Martin J Walker MA
The Urabe Farrago[1]
A Recent Historical Example of
Corporations and Governments Hiding Vaccine Damage for the Greater Good
Mumps measles and Rubella: MMR
Enter Urabe
Concerns About Cocktails
Strains of a different kind
First Plans: the Introduction
The launch
News From Canada
8 Damage and foot dragging Japan
9 Collapse of Stout Party: Britain
10 Pluserix and Immravax Recalled,
Withdrawn, Destroyed, Taken
the Market, This is a Deceased Vaccine!Or is it.
The Global Withdrawal
12 A
Couple of Ethical Chickens home to roost
Dr Miller and the Boys from Brazil
must assume the liability for the collateral damage.
have side effects. We demand informed consent.
demand greener vaccines. We demand choice for our children[2]
There are very powerful people in positions of
great authority who have staked their reputations on the safety of MMR and they
are willing
to do almost
anything to protect themselves.[3]
On a blustery day in April 1998, Richard Barr and his colleague Kristin Limb, wandered onto a large city railway station in England looking for a man called George. Barr and Limb worked for the law firm that was suing three pharmaceutical companies on behalf of 2,000 parent claimants for adverse reactions caused to their children by MMR. George had rung Barr's practice on a couple of occasions before speaking to him; he had, he insisted important information he wanted to give to Dr Andrew Wakefield, the expert witness in the parents claim.
The meeting in April 1998 turned out to be the first of two held in the small station cafeteria. As the first meeting began George told the lawyers that he had come to meet them on behalf of a high ranking English Civil Servant working in the field of public health. At the beginning of the second meeting George admitted that he himself was that high ranking civil servant.
During the two meetings, George gave the lawyers and Dr Wakefield, who was present at the second meeting, a break-down of the difficulties faced by those who had tried to expose the truth about MMR Urabe strain mumps vaccine between 1988 and 1992. Despite the fact that he had travelled widely and discussed the problems of Urabe with public health officials in different countries, George's story was in one sense a small story of intricate intrigue in the upper echelon of the civil service at a time when the government were entering uncharted waters with two untried combination vaccinations. George described to the lawyers a battle between good and complacency, between a few conscientious public servants who tried to sound the alarm about Urabe mumps strain vaccine and cohorts of deeply politicised civil servants and committee men who held allegiance to their own careers, cabinet policies and contracts with the pharmaceutical industry.
George surfaced two months after Dr Wakefield and twelve other authors had published a case review paper in the Lancet, drawing attention to the incidence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and ASD behavioural problems in a sub group of children who appeared to have reacted to MMR vaccination. [4] In some senses, Georges' experience at the top of and inside the heart of the deeply hierarchical civil service mirrored Dr Wakefield's experience on the outside, in the loose knit community of gastroenterologists, both men had found themselves with principles, up
against an
implacable opposition. At the end of the day, however, George's whistle-blowing
was nothing more than a gossamer trail across the landscape of conspiratorial
vested interest politics which the British government now seemed to be steeped
in. As time went by, despite his apparent conscience at not coming forward
earlier in consideration of family responsibilities, George got scared and
although he said that he would testify in court or to a Common's Select Committee he
was determined not to talk to the media. 'I don't want', he said simply 'to become the next David Kelly'.[5]
The following essay is based upon
some strands of the lawyer's two conversations with George. A number of
researchers, campaigners, claimants, reporters, doctors, parents and lawyers
have over the last ten years built on George's information, their diligence and
commitment unearthing the detail of the story that follows. It is a story that
the government, the NHS and the pharmaceutical companies does not want told. It
is a story that will not come to life until more good men and women join Dr
Wakefield and speak out about vaccine damage in Britain.
The essay looks in
depth at the incidence of adverse reaction relating to the Urabe mumps virus
strain containing MMR’s and the role of the
government, the vaccine establishment and its most prominent personnel; the
Department of Immunisation, the Department for Health
the secretive regulatory bodies lodged in the DH but actually financed entirely
by the drugs industry such as the MHRA, in covering up the crisis that followed
the introduction of MMR.
A glimpse of how the vaccine and public health establishments dealt with Urabe
gives us a picture of incompetence and a deadly lack of care.
The essay looks particularly at the way that
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
(JCVI) and the British government put the health of children in peril between
1988 and 1992, by refusing to heed international concerns about Urabe because
they feared that it would lead to a fall in herd immunity and failings in the
mass vaccination programme. The essay also raises
questions about the use of Urabe containing MMR after its withdrawal in the UK
and the British government's role in its continued use for children in
developing countries.[6]
* *
In the autumn of
1988, the British Department of Heath (DH) introduced three brands of the
second trivalent vaccination distributed in Britain,[7]
the Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. MMR was to take the place of the
single Measles vaccine given in mass vaccination campaigns and by GPs, Rubella
vaccination given on the basis of need to women likely to become pregnant and
mumps vaccine that was only rarely used and the stocks of which were becoming a
loss leader for pharmaceutical companies.
Four years after they
were launched, in 1992, the two newly introduced vaccines, Pluserix and Immravax[8] both
containing the Urabe strain of mumps virus, were withdrawn by the Chief Medical
Officer Liam Donaldson. The announcement that coincided with the withdrawal
suggested that after extensive research, most tellingly, at Queens Hospital
Nottingham, it was claimed British researchers had discovered that the two
vaccines caused high levels of a slight illness, aseptic meningitis, in a few
The Chief Medical Officer described aseptic meningitis as 'mild transient meningitis', a slight health problem from which children
wholly recovered. But aseptic meningitis is actually a far more serious illness
than was made out at the time. The condition begins with inflammation of the
lining of the brain but can have continuing sequelae
and be fatal. Acute symptoms of aseptic meningitis
include, seizures, increased intracranial pressure and subdural effusions, while chronic complications include, deafness and seizure disorders, that
can lead to many serious conditions, behaviour disorders and mental
to the inconsequential problems highlighted by the DH on withdrawal of the
Urabe containing brands of MMR, Lucy Johnston reported in 2002 on a number of
very serious cases of vaccine induced aseptic meningitis;[9]
'In 1995 the
Government's vaccine damage tribunal paid £30,000 compensation to James Smith,
of Gateshead , for brain damage after he was given
MMR at the age of four. James died nine years later aged 13.' Johnston reported
that there were 300 legal actions against Pluserix
brought by parents whose children were seriously damaged between 1988 and 1992.
Other examples given by her included, the son of John and Faye Smith whose life
had been transformed from that of a healthy, intelligent young boy to that of a
child requiring constant round-the-clock care. It
took them six years and four hearings, however, to persuade the vaccine damage
tribunal of this.' Judith Dwyer, received a payment after her four-year-old
daughter Chloe died following a 'booster' jab of Urabe containing MMR in 1989.
'Chloe first developed pins and needles in her legs, then paralysis and
problems breathing. She was rushed to hospital but it was too late.'
The withdrawal of the
two brands of MMR so early in the government's bourgeoning combined vaccine programme, put the government, the DH and public health
officials on the back foot. From 1992 , in the face of continued criticism,
mainly from Dr Andrew Wakefield, the DOH struggled on with their vaccination programme which initially included a new Measles and
Rubella (MR) vaccine and the third remaining licensed MMR vaccine in the UK,
MMR II which had never been considered to create adverse reaction and contained
the Jeryl Lynn strain of Mumps virus.[10]
Politically and precautionarily, perhaps the best course of action might
have been to immediately withdraw the two Urabe containing vaccines when the
first adverse indications were noted in 1989 and continue research, while
returning to the well established practice of single vaccines for both measles
and mumps. However, although these single vaccines were still licensed the
government dissuaded parents from their use, manufacturers from their
importation and distributors from their sales. Pushed by the vaccine
establishment and daily more powerful drug companies, successive governments
continued determinedly to promote the combined vaccine programme.
The advent of every
new, especially combined vaccination used on children, is inevitably an
experiment that has involved no long term testing and which produces a wide
variety of low level, sometimes chronic and occasionally fatal, adverse
reactions. With vaccination, the stakes are high for both the manufacturers, in
relation to profit, the government in terms of political and scientific
credibility and most especially the patient whose health and that of their
children is at stake.
Consequently, wherever one looks in the world of vaccination, there is perfidy
and intellectual dishonesty.
Mumps, Measles and Rubella: MMR
Some doctors in
Britain who gave serious consideration to MMR, struggled to understand why the
three vaccines with their concurrent dangers had been fused together. Some wanted
to stay with the single vaccines thereby accommodating individual patients on
the basis of medical need, rather than be involved in the mass vaccination programme.
Doctor Peter
Mansfield an independent general practitioner had proceedings brought against
him by the General Medical Council (GMC) in early 2001, because he spoke out
against MMR and in favour of single vaccines. The GMC
case against him was dropped during its preliminary stages. Although Dr
Mansfield is generally considered a doyen of 'alternative' health care, his
views on vaccination reveal a restrained, sensible and medically correct
approach to vaccination. His views reflect those of a minority of scrupulous
doctors who were, after 1988 to come under increasing attack from governments
determined to bring in combined vaccines.
I had been a General Practitioner for 28 years before I left the NHS, in
1996. My attitude to vaccination was very selective. I took the view broadly
speaking protection against infectious disease was sensible, providing that the
disease was one which you were likely to catch and providing that the
vaccination presented a lower bar for the child to jump than nature would have
Introducing vaccines after 6 months and keeping them voluntary was
originally a sensible policy. But the arrival of Dr Salisbury in the vaccines
unit at the Department of Health, in the mid eighties, changed all the
conventional considerations on vaccination. It suddenly became a heresy not to
have a vaccine and they were all brought forward. From 5 to 4 to 3 months to
almost straight after birth, when the child is faced now with up to 15 or so
I thought that there was some point in tetanus and some point in Polio,
but certainly not diptheria or Whooping cough by six
months, because the damaging effects of whooping cough was on very small
children and the only protection against this was to keep the child at home
preferably being fed by its mother. In the practice I ran, we had very little
adverse reaction from the measles vaccine because
we always vaccinated when the child and the mother were in good health. I
thought that measles vaccination was useful. I thought that there was no reason
at all to vaccinate for mumps, in fact I thought it was unethical to administer
it before pubescence. Mumps is a disease that is harmless until the onset of
puberty, we used to organise parties to spread mumps
around and I never recall one occasion in 30 years when we felt we had made a
mistake. We would rather not administer Rubella until puberty and anyway it was
licensed for girls only, I wouldn't administer rubella to boys at any age. [12]
British National Formulary of 1986-88 read; 'since mumps and its complications
are very rarely serious there is very little indication for the routine use of
mumps vaccination'. It would appear that the re-classification of mumps took
place in order to convince the public of the serious nature of all three
conditions, 'treated' prophylactically by the MMR
Over a
decade after the launch of MMR, in February 2001,Yvette Cooper MP answered a
commons question from Mrs Ewing MP, who asked the Secretary of State for Health,
amongst other questions, how many single antigen mumps vaccines were
administered in the United Kingdom in each year since 1979. The Secretary of
State answered, ' Mumps vaccine has never been a part of the United Kingdom's
routine immunisation programme and data on this were not collected'. Yet since October 1988 a mumps component had been incorporated into
all three brands of MMR.
for the idea that mumps was an inconsequential illness not meriting inclusion
in a mass vaccination campaign, came from the Scottish Health Services Planning
Council, the Central Health Services Council and the JCVI who met together on
December 11, 1974. In the minutes of this meeting it was recorded that 'in
general discussion on the subject of reactions Mr Redacted[13]
said that in the view of the Ministry of Defence mumps vaccine was unnecessary
because the complications from the disease were rare'.
There have been a number of MMRs'
developed over the last thirty years, the majority of them differ in their
constituents and effects. Not only is scant attention paid by the GP to the idiosyncratic
health or constitution of the baby or child, but rarely does any detailed
information about the differences in chemical or biological make up of the
vaccine passes between the manufacturer and the doctor or the doctor and the
It is in light of this, that the parents of muslim children find that they have been given medications
containing pork, that vegans are given innoculations
the manufacture of which has involved chick embryo's and bovine material and
that devout Christians are given vaccines that contain remnants of aborted foetuses. As if these assaults on the cultural and
life-style diversity of the population were not enough, by far the worst and
most dangerous arrogance of the pharmaceutical companies and the government is
to dispense vaccines with abandon without considering each individual child's
physiology and biological, or even in some circumstances emotional make up.
Particularly with a combined vaccine, there are
multiple chances of the vaccine creating an adverse reaction in a particular
child, as well of course there is yet other opportunities for the separate
constituent part of the vaccine to be affected by the other parts. In his
ground breaking book The hazards of
Graham Wilson, a former Director of the Public Health Laboratory Services,
spends a chapter breaking down the etiology of all vaccination adverse
reactions. The book has 22 short chapters on the wide variety of adverse
reactions caused by a variety of effects connected with vaccination. To these idiosyncratic
problems has to be added the very real chance of industrial contamination in
some batches.[15]
What is not widely understood, is that it is
not always the case that new vaccinations go through clinical trials. To a
litany of endless little differences, we
have to add the widely fluctuating strengths and amounts of viral strain that
appear in different batches of vaccine, seemingly changed at will by the
manufacturer. The simple fact is that with combined vaccines and competitive
capitalism, there is no independent standards regulation and little hope of
consistent safety testing on a global scale.
MMR was not the first trivalent vaccine, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) vaccination,[16] had been produced as early as 1947 and recommended for routine use in America. The first MMR vaccine was manufactured by Merck Sharpe and Dohme (MSD) in the US in 1967, it joined together three different single vaccine strains, Enders measles strain (brand name Attenuvax), Jeryl Lynn mumps strain (brand name Mumpsvax ) and HPV-77 Rubella strain (brand name Meruvax). Even with this early
vaccine, the Rubella strain that was used, came in two different forms which
used a different manufacturing processes, HPV-77 DK was attenuated from dog
kidney's and HPV-77 DE attenuated from
duck embryo's. What
generally happened with combined vaccines was that the companies which maybe
years before had manufactured and had licensed single products simply put these
single ingredients into one vial.
Combined vaccines were hailed as a great
breakthrough, a child only got one jab instead of three, they were therefore so
much more convenient. In 1972 the MMR manufactured by
MSD was licensed in Britain but not marketed. However the HPV -77 single
rubella vaccine, particularly the DK variant, that was a constituent part of
this triple vaccine became associated with an unacceptable level of arthritis
and arthropathy and was withdrawn. By January 1979
the HPV-77 strain had been removed and replaced by the Wistar
RA 27/3 strain in the USA. Now, the brand names included in this MMR product
read as follows; Enders measles, (brand name Attenuvax)
Jeryl Lynn mumps (Mumpsvax
) and Wistar RA 27/3( Meruvax
II). This concoction became known as MMR II. At this time all other existing
rubella vaccine were discontinued in the USA.[17]
Enter Urabe
countries have at some time, been exposed to Urabe either
in single,
monovalent form, or
as part of the trivalent vaccine, MMR.[18] In
it's monovalent form is not generally associated with
a high level of adverse reactions and especially not aseptic meningitis. In the Summary
of Product Characteristics for Pariorix, the
1983, UK mumps single vaccine Licence for GSK, a Urabe Am 9 containing
mumps vaccine, encephalitis is recorded as a
possible 'undesirable effect'.
peculiar state of affairs in relation to the regulation of amounts of dosage
of mumps strain virus in vaccines, was
revealed by a paper on mumps virus published some time after the British launch
of MMR. This study of available data for numerous
Urabe containing vaccines highlights the huge differences in the
of Urabe
virus included in past preparations.[19] WHO
requirements do not specify the minimum amount of vaccine virus that one human
dose should contain; rather, this is determined by the national control
authority of the country where the vaccine is produced. Most countries use at
least 1000 CCID50 of attenuated mumps virus per dose, but many
vaccines contain higher amounts.[20]
In their
paper on Urabe, also written after the launch of MMR in Britain, Andre and Peetermans[21] say
that when the dose of Urabe virus previously included in a monovalent
vaccine is included in a bivalent or trivalent product, it results in
reduced rates of seroconversion against mumps.
In the first stages of MMR production, this was resolved by increasing the
dosage of Mumps virus in the trivalent vaccines. However, because
these decisions were made 'on the hoof' without clinical trials we have no way
of knowing their impact.
In June 1988 GSK were granted a licence
for Pluserix MMR containing the Urabe mumps strain
followed by the licensing of Immravax in September
1989, another Urabe containing MMR manufactured by Merieux
, a French company.
Concerns About Cocktails and New Brews
If proof were required, of how the immunisation take-up rates dominated all decisions made by
the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation
(JCVI) about susceptibility indicators or sub-group safety, we need look no
further than the way in which one major contraindication, was quickly changed
with the advent of MMR.
there are serious problems with all viral combinations, there are very particularly problems in combining other viruses with measles
virus. Perhaps the most serious problem can be seen in it's interaction with the mumps and
rubella viral strains. It has been known for some time that wild measles and
measles vaccine, can cause temporary suppression of cellular immunity which can potentially, interfere with the ability
of the immune system to handle appropriately, a concomitantly administered
virus. In commenting on measles, experts have suggested:[22]
'The virus is known to be immunodisruptive; ... long
lasting effects on immune responses have also been reported following measles
infection. Understanding the interplay between wild and vaccine measles virus
and the immune system is central to the safety problems in developing and
evaluating new measles vaccines.'
In an
executive summary, members of the Institute of Medicine a committee to whom
vaccine-related events were reported in the US, reiterated this anxiety in the
context of both virus-induced immunosuppression and
polyvalent vaccines.
It may be asked, then, whether the use of combination viral
vaccines might exacerbate the potential problem of immune suppression. The committee
found no report of a systematic comparison of the effects of monovalent and polyvalent live attenuated vaccines on
With the
introduction of combined vaccines, this eerie Frankenstein concern about mixing
viruses was waiting in the wings. From the earliest beginnings of the
scientific understanding of vaccination, it had always been understood that the
effect of a vaccine virus, not only that of measles, on another viruses present
in the body at that time, could cause serious adverse reactions. It was for
this reason that for the last thirty years one of the contraindications
enquired about by doctors from parents, prior to vaccination was any kind of contemporary infection or
infectious illness.
This concerns
about the administration of three live vaccines in one innoculation
was dismissed with MMR. The idea of administering a combination vaccine had
been debated as far back as 1974. In the Minutes of the Central Health Services
Council, the Scottish Health Services Planning Council and the Joint Committee
on Vaccination and Immunisation,[23]
at item 11, headed 'Simultaneous Administration of live Vaccines' we can read
the following:
Redacted referred to the 3
vaccines which had been licensed for Merck Sharp and Dohme
and asked for comments on the company’s claim that these could be administered
simultaneously with live poliovirus vaccine. This use of the vaccine appeared
to conflict with the Committee published advice and they had to consider (a)
whether this advice should be changed and (b) if the vaccine concerned viz MMR, Biavax and measles and
rubella virus vaccine and live MSD could
be given with live poliovirus vaccine. Mr
Redacted and A.N. Other Redacted
pointed out that an interval in the administration of live vaccines had been
advocated in view of the probability of
adverse reactions and because of the recent publicity surrounding adverse
reactions. The Committee agreed that it would be inopportune to change the
guidance that an interval of at least 3 weeks should be allowed to elapse
between administration of any 2 live vaccines whichever came first.
By 2003 there had been an even further, slightly lunatic change in the perception of risk and multiple vaccination. An NHS publication in 2003[24] MMR Information sheet 2, suggests that a baby could, in theory, respond to around 10,000 vaccines at any one time!
A baby’s immune system has an enormous
capacity to fight thousands of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that it is
bombarded with every day. A Study from America shows quite clearly that even
babies who are poorly can still produce protective immune responses to
vaccines. This study also shows that a baby could, in theory, respond to around
10,000 vaccines at any one time. If for example, 11 vaccines were given to a baby
at one time, this might only use about a thousandth of the immune system. In
providing protection vaccines prevent “weakening” of the immune system.
Of course all
such talk is nothing but rank stupidity; the historical results of vaccination
of all kinds, showed clearly that different sub groups of children, affected by
different risk factors and subtle juxtapositions of viruses and antigens, might
be radically and adversely affected even with the use of single vaccines let
alone any combination more than this.
The problem with
writing about vaccine damage in the real world is that the damage does not
occur until after the child has been vaccinated and then the recognition of
that damage and it's cause is a slow process. Claiming parents and their lawyers
have to go back over the manufacture and administration of the vaccine finding
out what happened in all it's various stages, while at the same time
remembering their child's health status on the day in question. Although the
drug companies have most of this information, obviously they are loath to make
it public.
Clearly linked to the question of
dangerously combining vaccines MMR and MR, is the question of safety trials for combined
vaccinations. The lack of any long term safety trials came to light in1996. Within
eight years of the inaugeration of the MMR campaign and
within four years of the withdrawal of Urabe strain mumps MMR, lawyers working
for vaccine damage claimants had over 300 cases of serious adverse reactions.
Both Dr Wakefield acting as an expert witness for Dawbarns
and Co., and Richard Barr a toxic liability lawyer began a search for
information that might help both their clients and their patients.
relation to the question of safety trials, in certain respects, the two men
were at loss. How was it possible to uncover all the hidden information about
the manufacture of a vaccine. In theory of course a government standing
independent of the vaccine manufacturers should help in this situation.
However, since being voted in in 1997 New Labour had
been deeply involved with the pharmaceutical corporations, to the point that it
had become difficult to tell which party was making the drugs and which party
governing the country.
the doctor and the lawyer corresponded with
the Committee on the Safety of Medicines (CSM), the primary regulation
committee within the Medicines Control Agency (MCA), a body funded solely by
the pharmaceutical industry, they received bland assurances that MMR had been
given to millions of children without any consequent adverse reactions. Such
bland reassurances paid no heed whatesoever to the
particular make up of the MMR in question and while it might have been true to
say that the original US MMR varient had been given
to children world wide for twenty years, this was completely untrue of Pluserix the first MMR licensed for the 1988 campaign which
contained the problematic Urabe strain mumps virus. In an attempt to get to the
bottom of the situation relating to safety trials for MMR, Barr began
corresponding with the Committee for the Safety of Medicines.
Barr first to draw the attention of the CSM to both the shortcomings of the current system of recording adverse
reactions and seeking information on long term safety trials. The matter of
long term trials was of substantial importance because although the incubation
period for both mumps and measles was less than twenty one
many adverse reaction, especially those that affect behaviour, are insidious
and can take time to recognise. Barr's letters were answered by Professor
Rawlins at the time Chairman of the CSM. Rawlins appeared to have to hand an
incredible paucity of information on safety trials or detailed knowledge of the
Urabe containing MMR vaccines. In his
reply to Barr's first letter he leans on the most general empirical
information, saying:
MMR vaccine and its component parts have undergone rigorous
testing before being licensed for use in this country. Efficacy and safety have
been convincingly demonstrated in hundreds of millions of children worldwide
who have been immunised with these vaccines during the last twenty years.
course no one was doubting that the separate vaccines had been trialled, Barr
and Wakefield were asking specifically what long
term safety trials had been carried out on the MMR and MR, that had been
licensed in 1988. The correspondence
continued over a matter of months in the Spring and Summer of 1996.
confirmed that passive surveillance, the Yellow Card system, was the only safeguard
for detecting adverse events following the revaccination campaign of 1994. The
inadequacy and failings of the Yellow Card System, in respect of detecting the
scale and severity of adverse reactions following the use of Urabe containing MMR’s is addressed on other occasions in this essay. One
reason for the failings was clearly the narrow spectrum of health care
professionals who at that time were permitted to submit adverse drug reactions
(ADR’s) via the scheme. The other major failing was
that Yellow card reports went straight to the drug company funded MCA, rather
than an independent body. [25]
when it came to Rawlin's references on measles
vaccine safety, in conjunction with other viruses, there was a pit of
obscurity. Rawlins advised Barr that published evidence for safety is available
in Stratton et al's, Adverse Events
Associated with Childhood Vaccines, a text which actually bemoans the
paucity of studies relating to detection of adverse events to measles vaccine.
Both Barr and Wakefield were bemused by Rawlin's
reference to 'rigorous testing'. In
their research they had only been able to find three week safety trials.
effect Rawlins was at this late date, arguing the case retrospectively for the
MSD version of MMR II. In 1989, when first licenses and then adverse reactions
were being discussed in the CSM and the JCVI, Rawlins who was a member of the
CSM declared non-personal interests in the form of departmental research grants
and consultancies with Merck, the manufacturer of MMR II
together with 11 other
In 1988, prior to the launch of the Urabe containing MMR, he was also the
chairperson of SEAR one of the two committees that jointly allowed Pluserix to retain it's license after the withdrawal of the
vaccine from NHS use, in 1992.
The Three Week Trick
tried his hardest to explain away the lack of long term safety trials and
introduces bizarre extraneous information, such as the fact that vaccines are
manufactured according to guidelines of the World Health Organisation, European
and British Pharmacopoeias, with rigorous quality control tests within
factories. He also suggests that Barr shouldn't be writing to him but to Dr
Salisbury in the Department of Health.
fact, Rawlings first response to Barr, reads like the voice over for a vaccine
manufacture promotional video. He speaks highly of the vaccine strains and the
culture, ' [cultures] used to make vaccines [MMR] are well-recognised as are
the tissue systems in which they are cultured'. He claims that the CSM has
taken all this information into account in ensuring that the quality of the
vaccines is acceptable.
of discussing long term safety studies, Rawlins provided the references for a
number of very short studies, the principle reference was a paper by Dr
Christine Miller on the first UK trial of MMR in April 1975,[27]
this study involved post-vaccination follow-up by daily diary card for 3 weeks. A study of twins by Peltola & Heinonen,[28]
of acute adverse events to which Rawlins refers, examined the frequency of
'true' acute adverse reactions to MMR vaccine, but again only monitored the
cases for 3 weeks. Apart from being short term studies, the MMR Miller studied
did not contain Urabe mumps strain virus, nor did Rawlins offer information
about whether any of the strains were in the exactly similar percentages and
strengths, information that was in a sense secret in that it might undermine
claim of the CSM after the Urabe scandal, was the same as that of MP's the
JCVI, the pharmaceutical companies and the NHS, prior to the campaign in 1988,
it boiled down to the empirical observation that MMR was safe because it has
been given to millions of children in the US and elsewhere in Europe. The
reality of the novel and complexly variable nature of the MMR about to be
licensed was being swept under the carpet. For measles exposure, strain, route,
dose and age of exposure had already been altered, now it was to be given in
combination with 2 other live viruses, without
and without public note of the exact quantities of each virus. The effects on
the immune system were entirely unknown.
Strains of a Different Kind
Amongst those
who deny that there can be vaccine damage from MMR, there is an absolute
unwillingness to understand, or analyse even the crude science involved in
vaccine manufacture. The government, the vaccine industry and the medical and
paediatric establishment, discuss vaccines as if they were aeroplanes or
automobiles that occasionally crash in odd circumstances; vaccines are not
aeroplanes or automobiles. There are many variables of degeneration, toxicity
and corruption associated with live viruses manufactured in combination with
other viruses and then injected into the human blood stream.
The Urabe Am 9 vaccine was produced from a 1967 Japanese isolate at The
Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka University in Japan. It's
manufacture involved the use of quail embryos and chick amniotic cavities.[29] Osaka University filed a Patent for Urabe in
the United States in 1979, it was manufactured by the Biken Company as a single vaccine. At the
same time Urabe appeared in Germany in a bivalent measles/mumps vaccine under
the label of Rimparix.
From the
inception of its production in 1979, this monovalent
Urabe vaccine rarely produced any adverse reactions. The World Health
Organisation (WHO) records that by 1985, 5 million doses of Urabe vaccine had
been given.[30] Given
the size of this cohort it seems reasonable to deduce that had large scale
outbreaks of adverse reactions been occurring they would have been easily
identified.* In
1983 a single Urabe mumps vaccine, Pariorix was produced by Wellcome[31]
and put on the UK market. By the mid
nineteen eighties Urabe appeared in Canada as part of an MMR vaccine called Trivirix by SmithKline and French laboratories and in 1988 and 1989, in the two
new MMR vaccines offered in Britain.
MMR II, the third MMR vaccine licensed in Britain, contained the Jeryl Lynn mumps virus - named after the child from whom the virus was isolated. The Jeryl Lynn strain
was not
compromised when included in the combination vaccine. On the down side it made
MMR II much more expensive than the Urabe containing MMR’s.[32]
In the US MMR was only produced with Jeryl Lynn.
First Plans: the Introduction
On the 17th
December 1987, Tony Newton the then Minister for Health, announced in a Press
release that a one-dose combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination was to
be introduced into the UK immunisation Programme in October 1988.[33]
It would, he suggested, be the 'biggest change in British immunisation policy
for over 20 years, and should lead to
the virtual disappearance of measles, mumps and rubella.' According to Minutes
of the JCVI, the original intention had been to announce the launch of MMR on
World Health Day, April 1987.[34]
As with all mass vaccination campaigns, considerable funds, in this case
totalling £1.4 million were earmarked to cover it's first six months, 'to
assist health authorities with increased vaccine costs'. According to the
minutes of the JCVI Working Party of February 1988 the license for the Merck
Sharpe and Dome (MSD) 1972 MMR product
had lapsed by the late eighties and it was not available for the launch of this
mass vaccination campaign. The government then licensed two other MMR brands,
quickly in order to begin their campaign.
That the oddly
unlicensed MMR manufactured by MSD was the product originally intended for the
UK market in 1988 is supported by the fact that the JCVI had sourced and relied
upon data from Sweden, USA and Finland to bolster their suggestion that it be
introduced into the UK. However, there was a big difference between this well
studied MMR product, already used in the USA and Scandinavia and two of the MMR vaccines which were finally
introduced into the UK. Neither of the new combined vaccinations contained the Jeryl
Lynn strain of mumps contained in the
MMR manufactured by MSD. The two new vaccines licensed for use in the UK, Pluserix MMR and Immravax MMR,
which would ultimately secure 87% of the UK market contained the Urabe mumps
strain making data from the USA and Scandinavia
on safety, efficacy and efficiency totally irrelevant.
In June 1988 a Product Licence was fast tracked for the SKF (SKB), MMR product
named Urabe containing Pluserix. Evidence that the
licensing of Pluserix was fast tracked while it's
specifications were based upon the data from the well tested MSD MMR used in other countries comes from the
following statement in MMR Working Party Minutes of 1987:
SmithKline and French were intending to apply for
Clinical trials certificate and Product Licence; SKF had data from experience
of MMR from elsewhere. Mr Redaction
felt that that respectable data from other countries would be acceptable to the
Committee on the Safety of Medicines(without new trials), it might be possible
in this way to move directly towards Product Licence application stage.[35]
No evidence of
'respectable data' from other countries which would allow Pluserix
to exclude the need for Clinical Trials and move directly to Product licensing
was produced at this meeting.
The Working
Party set up to implement the introduction of MMR, first met in January 1987
some 22 months before the actual introduction. Even earlier discussions on the
projected introduction of MMR can be found as far back as the JCVI minutes of
the 7th November 1986. With such a lengthy period of ‘forward
planning’ why did the need arise for any product to be fast tracked? One answer might lie in the fact that the
earlier licensed MMR was licensed to MSD and was an American product, while SKB
was one of the biggest British companies and very close to the government.[36]
Most curious was the supportive announcement by Mr Horam
to the House Of Commons on the 20th March 1987 that the JCVI had given positive
endorsement to the introduction of the
new MMR into the Childhood Immunisation Programme. He again advised that
positive data from Sweden, USA and Finland had been instrumental in helping the
JCVI to reach their decision. Hearing this, it would be fair to assume that the
children of the UK were to be given the same product as had been used in Sweden
and other countries. It seems inconceivable that the authorities in the UK
would have been swayed by data from other countries about the healthy safety
record of an entirely different vaccine into the UK Programme.
A letter
obtained at a latter date under FOI dated March 1987, containing the advice
submitted to Ministers by Officials recommending the introduction of the new MMR in the UK, this also commented on
the use of MMR in other countries:
The combined MMR vaccine has been
introduced in other countries , notably USA and Scandinavia, with encouraging
The experiences
in other countries involving one MMR vaccine appears to have been used to
entice Ministers to think favourably about the introduction of another MMR
vaccine into the UK. In an 'outline of statement' to be made at functions on
the 7th April 1987, World Health Day,[38]
information for speakers says; 'The JCVI
has considered evidence now available from other countries and has advised that significant benefit would flow from
changing over to combined MMR in infancy'.
By September
1987 a Policy for the Implementation of
the MMR Vaccine was being circulated advising that two types of MMR Pluserix and Immravax vaccine
were to be made available on the 1st October 1988. The re introduction of the
long tried and tested Jeryl Lynn MMR II occurred some
time after this launch when a direct approach was made by Wellcome
requesting to be included in the MMR market. The JCVI Working Party Minutes of
February 1988 state that ' Redaction 1
Ltd and Redaction 2 Ltd had both
submitted applications for Product Licences. Redaction 2 Ltd had now been granted a licence which had previously
lapsed; it's vaccine contains a different strain of mumps virus (Jeryl Lynn)'
without any discussion of the viruses used, regulation of their amounts or the
consequence of their combination, without any kind of long term trials involving
the new strain of virus, two new versions of MMR were to be released onto the
British market to join the well tried re-licensed Jeryl
Lynn containing MMR II.
The Launch
As the introduction of MMR approached, the JCVI spent some time
discussing the issues surrounding the introduction. In the early stages of
planning, 'there was some
resistance' to the trivalent vaccination, however, as time went by this seems
to have been weeded out .[39]
That issue was replaced by discussion of such questions as how to explain contraindications and risks and
what could be done about parents who refused the new vaccine. The answer to
this last question was easy: 'for a limited period' they would be offered the
single measles vaccine. But after that limited period, MMR was to be almost
compulsory and children starting nursery or primary school, who had not
received the vaccination would have to show, either: a documented record of MMR
vaccination; a valid contraindication. parental refusal or laboratory
evidenced immunity to measles, mumps and rubella.
Of the three brands of MMR announced in October 1988, Only the Urabe containing
Pluserix by GSK, was actually licensed and available
that October. MMR II by MSD was re-licensed by November 1988 and Immravax by Merieux was brought
in in September 1989.
Pluserix had been licensed in numerous countries prior to 1988[40] but unbeknown to the British public, far from it having a good record in these countries, the vaccine had already been withdrawn in Canada, where it had been marketed as Trivirix,
following the discovery of
adverse reactions of aseptic meningitis. And so it was, that in the
Autumn of 1988, Edwina Currie, the then Conservative Health Minister shared
with an assembled gathering of health officials and media personnel,
information regarding what was to be one of the most profound changes in the
child immunisation programme in the UK. A triple MMR vaccine, two brands of
which containing Urabe mumps vaccine that had had no clinical trials, but was
said to offer 'life-long protection with a single jab' was launched in Britain.
News from Canada
The MMR Trivirix with
the Urabe strain AM-9 containing Mumps virus, was introduced in Quebec, Canada
to replace MMR I in 1986. However, by 1987 public
health specialists and Canadian doctors became suspicious that there appeared
to be a problem with the vaccine. By early 1988, over six
months before Urabe containing vaccines were licensed in Britain and while the British were preparing to launch their MMR campaign, the Canadian government acted swiftly to withdraw all MMR vaccines
containing the Urabe strain of mumps virus.
On July 18,1988, Dr Richard Schabas, Director of the Public Health Branch and Chief
Medical Officer of Health at the Ontario Ministry of Health, issued a memo to
all physicians instructing that remaining stocks of Trivirix
vaccine be returned and that MMR II manufactured by MSD be the only triple
vaccine used to immunise children against measles mumps and rubella.
any thing should have acted as an early warning to the British government it
was the Canadian experience; why didn't the British government call off the
launch of their two Urabe containing vaccines? Why did they continue to hard sell MMR, producing leaflets encouraging the use of the
vaccine that answered the question 'Is it safe?' with a resounding and
unequivocal 'Yes'.
Setting aside
the very obvious and acknowledged failings of the UK adverse reactions
surveillance by the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit (BPSU) and the Yellow
Card system, other indications that all was not well were clearly dismissed. In March 1988, the following passage
appears in the Minutes of the Joint Sub Committee on Adverse Reactions to
Vaccination and Immunisation
Five cases of mumps
encephalitis following MMR have been reported from Canada. Four of these cases
definitely followed the use of vaccine containing Urabe Am 9 mumps virus and
the fifth probably did.
The members of the JCVI Working Party on MMR
also debated the Canadian situation, noting that despite withdrawal a decision
had not been made by the Canadian authorities to suspend the licenses of MMR
vaccines containing the Urabe strain and concluding that 'the data on which the
decision had been based was slender.'
Damage and Feet Dragging, Japan
Between 1987 and 1992, the JCVI and other
committees, some intimately related to
the vaccine industry, talked secretly about the
damage that Urabe strain mumps virus might be doing in the combined MMR
In the case of
MMR, Japan is not the best example of how to use the precautionary principle or
even how to act speedily in the case of vaccine adverse reaction. However, the
most honourable distinction, that sets the Japanese government aside from the
British government is the fact that they moved with alacrity to admit cases of
vaccine damage and then brought them to court to award parents compensation. In
the considerable lack of interest and scepticism shown by the British in the
face of the developing disaster in Japan one is able to gauge the mind set of
the British civil servant; the protect your back while doing as little as
possible, approach.
Urabe AM-9 containing MMR was introduced in Japan in
March 1989 and within six months, in September 1989 the first post vaccine
cases of aseptic meningitis, were reported to the Japanese Public Health
Council.[41]A few months later in 1990, when MMR had already been distributed in
Britain for two years, the matter of data of serious adverse reactions in Japan
was discussed at a May JCVI meeting, under item 9.1b. The records
Of special concern
to the JCVI sub committee on adverse reactions vaccination and Immunization
(ARVI) were the reports from Japan, of a high level of meningoencephalitis
associated with the administration of MMR. However, ARVI concluded that the
Japanese experience may be due to different reporting/investigating criteria or
other local factors.
'ARVI concluded' and 'may be due to' and 'other local factors', these are
off-the-cuff remarks inside a secret meeting. There is no sense of logic or
rationale to them, there is no evidence presented, only an evident desire to
ignore the reports from Japan.
Five years after
the Urabe containing MMR had been withdrawn in Britain, in 1997, one persistent
MP [42]
asked the Secretary of State for Health for a break down of health concerns
relating to different MMR vaccines;
If the secretary of state will list for
each of the nine MMR vaccines for which the product licence has been cancelled,
the date on which the product licence was granted; whether the licensing of the
vaccines was on the advice of the Committee for the Safety of Medicines; on
what date each cancellation took place; what safety concerns had been
identified for each vaccine by the Medicines Control Agency and under whose
direction the licence was withdrawn.
With the answer below the Minister made
it clear that the manufacturing companies commercial competitiveness was
considered more important than the health or public knowledge of British
citizens or even the power of their representative in parliament.
regarding the cancellation of product licences is commercially confidential.
The recommendations of the Committee on Safety of Medicines are confidential. [43]
This is the inevitable consequence of having
a medicines regulatory body, disguised as part of government, inside the DH
(the MCA or the more contemporary MHRA) that is entirely funded by the
pharmaceutical industry.[44]
Although Japan began listening to the
reports of Urabe vaccine damage with more alacrity than the British, they acted
upon them at more or less the same time. The Japanese began using the MMR in
April 1989 but while doctors were warning of side effects by July, the
Japanese government chose not to act on
these warnings until 1993 when the vaccine was eventually withdrawn. By this
time, some 1,000 Japanese people had
suffered adverse reactions and three children had died.[45]
The Japanese were so concerned initially as to the numbers of cases of aseptic
meningitis post immunisation with Urabe containing MMR, that on the 1st
November 1989, only months after MMR was introduced, approaches were made to
their counterparts in USA, Canada West Germany and the UK.
On 26th of
the same month, the Director-General of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau, the
Ministry of Welfare verbally instructed vaccine manufactures such as RIMD to
investigate cases and literature, etc. and as of 1st November of the same year,
requested Japanese diplomatic establishments in the U.S.A., Canada, the U. K. and
West Germany to investigate the matter, through the North American Affairs
Bureau and the European and Asian Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, in order to find out the rate of occurrence of aseptic meningitis
after the MMR vaccination and mumps vaccination in other countries. [46]
The Committee on the Safety of Medicines[47]
met on the 28th September 1989[48]
with the attendance of the French minister of health, six or seven
months before the decision was made in Canada to withdraw the Urabe containing
MMR permanently, two months before the Japanese had relayed their experience of
aseptic meningitis to the British in November 1989.The Minutes, at item 14.2
record how by September of 1989, two months before the Japanese alert, ten
cases of mumps meningitis following MMR vaccination, had come to light; the
veritable tip-of-the-iceburgh.
before the Japanese findings were made known, the UK authorities had picked up
on ten cases of aseptic/mumps meningitis and played them down by putting them in
the context of the 2.5 m doses of MMR given in the UK. With the Japanese
findings everyone became slightly hysterical as they tried to play down the significance of this
experience. This hyper-denial appeared to be based upon a belief that the
superior surveillance system in the UK would immediately pick-up such a problem
in Britain if there was one.
Two days after the Japanese raised the
alarm on Urabe, on November 3 1989,[49]
at a meeting of the JCVI, Minutes of
a ARVI meeting in October were
tabled and it was recorded[50]
that the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) had been able to define the vaccine strains and identify that all cases tested by them were of the Urabe
strain consistent with the vaccine which had been administered.
At the meeting of the JCVI on Friday the 4th of May 1990 when
the Japanese situation was again discussed, no mention was made of the ten
cases of Mumps meningitis identified in the UK. This is especially concerning
given that two people, Professor Breckenridge (chairman of the ARVI) and Dr Rotblat, of the DH were present at both meetings. The truth
was that irrespective of the statistics, the UK had experienced exactly the
same type of reaction as that uncovered in Japan.
Concerns highlighted by the Japanese
compelled a representative of the Scottish Home and Health department (SHHD),
expressing its independent intelligence, to write on the 9th April 1990 to the
Department of Health requesting reassurance as to the safety of Urabe
containing MMR’s.[51]
Direct questions were placed before the DH with a request that they be tabled at the forthcoming May meeting of the JCVI. Among other things, the representative of the SHHD asks if there might be justification for changing to the MMR vaccine which used the Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps viral strain. At this same meeting huge concerns
regarding the Japanese situation were
tabled but not quite in the same vein as those expressed by the SHHD. Whereas
the concerns shared by the SHHD emanated from alarm as to the safety of the
Urabe containing MMR’s Mr Redacted was more
'concerned about the possibility of the Japanese experience being
published widely in the UK'. It must have come as a huge relief to the
assembled gathering when a little further on Mr Redacted noted how 'the Japanese had withdrawn a letter sent to The Lancet'.
Although Japan nationally withdrew the Urabe containing MMR after the UK
decision to switch entirely to the safer
MMR II, some individual areas of Japan actually stopped using the vaccine on
the 1st November 1989, the very day when Japan is recorded as having made
approaches to Canada, USA, West Germany and the UK.
The transcript of the Japanese Court case[52]
in which seven claimants, (four
claimants were mother and father of two dead children, one was a damaged
child and the final two were his mother and father) tells us that on the 1st
November, Takatsuki City decided to suspend the use
of the Urabe containing MMR and that on the following day, Toyonaka
city followed suit.
In 1992 sadly too late for the many
children who suffered side effects in Britain members of the JCVI were forced
to admit that 'many lessons had been
learnt from MMR. It was agreed that better surveillance was needed as well as a
consideration of how adverse events were followed up' [53]
Questions are
raised as to how, faced with the data from Japan in 1990 and previous
information from Canada, the UK authorities considered the surveillance system
for detecting such reactions within the UK, adequate. It has been known for
years, that the Yellow card system, only picks up on around 10% of adverse
reactions and general doctors are notoriously ignorant of the side effects
suffered by patients to the drugs they prescribe.
also, while the British JCVI/ARVI seemed to confuse the situation in Japan by
describing the majority of cases of illness as
meningoencephalitis, when it was actually
cases of aseptic meningitis that had been highlighted by the Japanese
authorities. It was known by this time
that such cases were directly linked to the Urabe mumps component of MMR and
were primarily viral in origin; again the Japanese litigation is helpful in
this matter.
Concerning aseptic meningitis following the MMR vaccination, about 630,000 children were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine between 1st April 1989 and 31st October of the same year ; among them 311 recipients were clinically diagnosed with aseptic meningitis after the MMR vaccination; the cerebrospinal fluid was collected from 302 of them; the mumps virus isolation test was carried out with the cerebrospinal fluid of 222 individuals; the viruses were isolated from the fluid of 79
cases; it was
determined that that the virus came from the vaccine in 67 cases using the PCR
The material
contained in the JCVI minutes on this subject is misleading in that it
generalises the problem in Japan to be that of meningoencephalitis
while in fact Japan also had numerous cases of aseptic meningitis, the majority
of which were identified as vaccine induced and more specifically yet,
associated with the Urabe mumps strain.
Members at the JCVI meeting, quoted above, were
also concerned about two further matters; whether or not there was a possiblity that the 'Japanese experience' might be widely
and detrimentally publicised within the UK and the need to 'gather information
on the various episodes from all the MMR manufacturers'.[55]
At the same meeting it was mentioned by one participant that three British
health districts had changed from the use of Urabe containing MMR’s to the Jeryl Lynn product.
Irrespective of the status of the Surveillance system in place in the UK ,
which seemed to obsess some JCVI members, other indicators were emerging which
should have suggested that there were serious problems concerning the Urabe
containing MMR.
Collapse of Stout Party: Britain
The DH and UK government were
well aware of the problems occurring with the Urabe strain of mumps vaccine not
only before the vaccine was given to millions of children in this country, but
even before the vaccine was approved for licence
in June 1988. Concerns were referred to
in the Minutes of the Joint Sub Committee on Adverse Reactions to Vaccination
and Immunisation, (ARVI) in March 1988.
Following the
launch of MMR late in 1988, reports of aseptic meningitis began to circulate. In October 1989 two letters appear in the Lancet[56]
concerning a 3 year old girl who had presented with aseptic meningitis after a
period of 21 days post immunisation with the MMR. The isolated virus was
identified as mumps by fluorescent-antibody tests. Soon afterwards the virus
was identified by nucleotide sequencing analysis as the Urabe strain. The child
concerned exhibited lethargy, vomiting, headache, dry cough, fever , irritability,
and meningeal irritation. There had been no known
exposure to measles, mumps or rubella in their natural forms. No other
infections were identified either bacterial or viral.
In the August 12th edition of the Lancet a further letter appears, this time from a doctor in West Germany, who had identified a two-year-old boy with mumps meningitis 21days post MMR vaccination. This vaccine differed from that in the
previous case
involving the 3 year old girl identified by Gray and Burns. Again there was no
exposure to natural mumps and the author of this letter wrote 'The incubation
period for mumps is about 21 days. In some patients, time-lag between
immunisation and manifestation of meningitis was very close to three weeks,
without known previous mumps contacts. These facts strongly suggest that some
patients may have had vaccine mumps meningitis and not wild mumps infection'. A
month later two British doctors reported two sixteen month boys with mumps
meningitis with hospital admission, 18 and 19 days respectively following MMR
Worryingly in
1989, the Committee on the Development of Vaccines and Immunisation Procedures
(CDVIP) openly question the figures for mumps meningitis placed before them and
in their meeting in November 1989[57]
Information available at the present time
suggested that mumps vaccine caused clinical meningitis in approximately 1:
200,000 doses individuals; this was probably at least ten fold less than that
associated with natural infection. Members of the CDVIP were sceptical of this
figure since the data collection had not been based on objective studies: they
suggested that in future the data should be examined with reference to defined
clinical state, virus isolation and serological tests.
By May 1990
members of the JCVI were noting their concerns regarding the fact that Canada
have stopped the use of Urabe containing MMR’s . The
Japanese situation clearly affected some members of the committee while there
was also the concern that three Health Districts had stopped using Pluserix and Immravax.
At the conclusion of the November 1989 the JCVI committee meeting a member spoke of the 'risk to the MMR programme of adverse publicity and said that vigilance by all was a essential'. This tends to infer that members should at all times and above all considerations consider the risk to the MMR campaign when reviewing adverse reactions which, had the public been aware of them, might have had a very detrimental effect on vaccine uptake. Such pressure is bound to have spread reluctance among members to deal appropriately with adverse reactions. The presence
of a constant
reminder of the importance of the entire MMR vaccine programme could obviously
create an under-evaluation of any issue which threatened the programme.
By January 1991,
The Rt Hon Jack Ashley, who had been at the forefront
of the campaign to gain recognition for victims of DTP and whooping cough
wrote to Virginia Bottomley MP, the then Minister for
Health. Ashley expressed his surprise on being told that new vaccines were not
to be subject to surveillance by Dr Iman’s Unit at
Southampton University. He requested details of the Surveillance systems in
place other than the Yellow Cards System, all adverse reaction reports to
vaccines received in the last year and a breakdown of the vaccines to which
they apply.
In her reply Ms Bottomley supplies the fact that 748 adverse reactions were
received in 1990 through the Yellow Card System. Commenting on the other
Surveillance systems in place in the UK she said:
A number of
advisory bodies including the Joint Sub Committee on Adverse Reactions to
Vaccination and Immunisation (ARVI) which reports both to the CSM and to the
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) , regularly review the
safety of vaccines taking account of information from both the spontaneous ADR
reporting schemes and from special studies and surveillance programmes
undertaken in relation to specific vaccines. One such programme relating to
surveillance of MMR vaccines has been set up under the British Paediatric
Surveillance Unit to identify neurological reactions occurring after
vaccination. Under this scheme, all Consultant paediatricians in the UK are
asked, monthly to report any such cases which are then systematically followed
up to obtain comprehensive information. The programme is funded by the
That the
surveillance system described by Ms Bottomley set up
to monitor adverse reactions to MMR was funded by the Department of Health must
surely have afforded them some embarrassment when, on the withdrawal of the two
Urabe MMRs the JCVI acknowledge that 'a better
surveillance system was needed'.
A further
damning comment came in respect of the inadequacies of the Yellow Card System
when P.O.S.T the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology [59]
later acknowledged that 'The Urabe experience was exacerbated by the failure of
the Yellow Card Surveillance System to detect the scale of the problem'.
Lord Ashley in a
further communication requests figures for the number of aseptic meningitis cases, within the reported
748, which were likely to be permanently damaged, a breakdown of how many case
of death or serious damage followed a triple vaccination and how many post MMR.
Ms Bottomley advises him that a total of 199
reactions graded as 'serious' were reported in 1990 of which 45 were in
relation to an MMR vaccine. Included in the 199 were 7 deaths which were
further broken down to ; 2 deaths which were considered not to be as a
consequence of the adverse reaction, 3 deaths where the cause of death was uncertain; and 2 deaths which were considered to be due to the
administration of a triple vaccine. Inevitably however, accepting data from the
DH in these circumstances was a little like an independent epidemiologist
looking at occupational cancer, using only industry collected data.
On 17th September 1990, the ARVI
minutes refer to reports of emerging cases of meningitis in Crawley, Cambridge,
Kidderminster and Nottingham, with clusters of cases in the latter three
locations. 25 cases were reported spontaneously between February and September
It is clear that irrespective of the failures of the surveillance systems in the UK to detect the scale of the problem, there were many wasted opportunities along the way to investigate mounting evidence that there was a problem with the MMR vaccine. A sustained and blatant refusal by those in authority to address the rising concerns and
reevaluate the cases of serious side
effects, resulted in thousands of children in the UK being exposed to two vaccines
which, before they even entered the UK market and throughout their time in it,
were enmeshed in uncertainties involving serious long term adverse reactions.
* *
Why was it that
despite well aired concerns, members of the JCVI, ARVI and the MCA, still
doggedly relied on the worse than useless yellow card system of Surveillance to
highlight serious adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine? Why was it that given
the information coming before them at Committee meetings no one questioned the
abilities of the systems in place to accurately determine figures of adverse
reactions? Why was it that no one called time on the distribution of the two
Urabe containing vaccines? Why did no one resign from any of the official
committees, or at least blow a whistle? Did members feel that personal pressure
was being put on them from above? Was there pressure on members to consider the
outcome for the MMR immunisation programme as a whole rather than the
individual consequences of vaccine safety?
A little known
piece of information might well go some way to explaining why it was that alarm
bells concerning Urabe went unheard and we find that in the JCVI minutes of the
13th Nov 1996, item 8.1:
there was no statutory duty for the MCA (the pharmaceutical company funded regulatory
agency. Authors addition) to advise the JCVI of problems with vaccine
safety, and in effect the MCA decided which information they passed to the
This is most alarming given that on the 20th
march 1997, Mr Horam in the Commons in response to
questions, is advised by a Mr Smith that;
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and
Immunisation decided at it’s meeting of the 7th November 1986 to
recommend to Ministers that a combined measles mumps and rubella vaccine be
introduced into the United Kingdom childhood Immunisation Programme as a
replacement for single antigen measles vaccine.
It appears that
the JCVI have the power to make recommendations to Government Ministers as to
the introduction of vaccines but in 1996 we learn that there was no statutory
duty for the MCA to advise the JCVI of any problems of vaccine safety;
evidently for reasons concerning commercial competitiveness. How then could the
JCVI be certain that the product they were endorsing and advocating to
Ministers was safe?
Based on a
catalogue of early warning signs that all was not well with the Urabe
containing MMR’s why did it take until September 1992
to have them withdrawn? According to Mr Sackville[60] in response to questioning from Mr Smith,
As soon as data were available confirming the extent of
the risk, showing that an alternative vaccine did not have this level of risk
and was equally effective, and adequate alternative supplies were available,
the Urabe vaccines were replaced. This occurred in September 1992.
In fact this was
a clever bit of politicing by Sackville, who, with his misrepresentation, seemed to delay even further the simple
continuance of the MMR II vaccination. What Sackville refers to as an
'alternative vaccine' creating the impression that it would have to be sought
out and tested, was in fact, none other than the MMR II vaccine which had been
used alongside both the withdrawn vaccines since Nov 1988. Essentially all that
happened was that MMRII which previously had 15% of the UK market had to
suddenly expand sales to cover 100%. Further more since MMR II had been on the
market in the UK since 1988, 4 years worth of usage in the UK together with the
years that it had been on the market in the US had shown it didn’t have the
same level of risk.
answer smacks of the idea that the DH was actually experimenting on children
and had there not been an alternative available they would have gone on with
the Urabe containing MMR. In recent letter, Kent Woods the present CEO of the
MHRA had the following to say about the possible future use of Urabe containing
Immravax and Pluserix:
However, as use of Urabe-containing MMR vaccine had
already ceased in the UK and as it was considered that there would be a place
for use of Immravax and Pluserix
should the supply of MMR-II be compromised at any time, it was considered that
no licensing action was required at the time for the two MMRs
that contained the Urabe strain.
Department of Health officials met with the MCA
and the manufacturers Smith Kline Beecham (SKB) at the end of August 1992, and
the drug company acting on the advice of their lawyers, decided to stop
producing Urabe containing vaccine and advise licensing authorities world wide,
accordingly. In light of this the DH felt, it had to act quickly for fear of
suddenly being short of stocks. On the 3rd and 4th of September the CMOs (Chief Medical Officers) of European Community
countries were advised in confidence of
the situation at a routine meeting.
Following this decision by SKB, the DH was forced to request an increased supply
of MMR II from MSD from 200K to 800K doses per year. This was initially agreed
by Wellcome (acting as distributors for MSD) but when
the actions open to the Government became clear, extra demand for the vaccine
was demanded and DH officials had an all-expenses paid trip to Philadelphia to
the MSD factory where they negotiated an extra supply of MMRII.
Regional and District pharmacists were advised
on September 9th to expect delivery of un-requisitioned supplies of MMRII.
However, this information was leaked to the press by a pharmacist and published
on September 15 pre-empting the Department's plans for an 'orderly release of
information'. This leak precipitated a
letter from the CMO which was then issued on that day and a press release sent
the withdrawal of the vaccine was announced by Professor Calman,
Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health, he went to some lengths to
claim that the withdrawal had nothing to do with previously received data from
Japan or Canada. Part of the government sponsored
review entailed research in the Nottingham area by the Queen's Medical Centre,
which looked at vaccinated children with aseptic meningitis.
The results of this review
brought up adverse reactions to one in 3,800 vaccinated children, a much higher
ratio than any other previous research had reported. The authors of this paper
had moved to publish their results in The
Lancet, but came under considerable pressure not to. When the research did
finally appear in The Lancet, it cast
a new more public light on MMR adverse reactions.
Withdrawn, Destroyed,
Taken Off the Market, Dead, This is a Deceased Vaccine! Or is it?[61]
Most ordinary citizens would think that when a drug proves to be a
danger to people, it is taken off the market, recalled, like a faulty
automobile or a child's toy that has a metal spike running through it, this
however is not always the case and it was not the case with Urabe strain MMR.
We have several descriptions on the demise of the Urabe containing MMR vaccines
but until relatively recently it was nigh on impossible to determine the status
of Pluserix the vaccine manufactured by Smith Kline
Beecham and Immravax by Merieux
in September 1992. The company's used every trick in the book to keep the
vaccine afloat and claw back their development investment.
Committee for the Safety of Medicines (CSM) Sub-Committee on Safety, Efficiency
(SEAR) and the Adverse Reaction Group of SEAR (ARGOS) agreed on September 4 1992 that
though the two brands of MMR should be withdrawn, no action would be taken to
revoke the manufacturer's license as a 'change of purchasing policy was to be
made by the Department, revoking the license would have caused a world-wide
vaccine crisis;[62]
effectively the British government gave the green light to continue damaging
children in any other part of the world. (see page 38 -)
statement concerning the 'withdrawal' of the two Urabe MMR vaccinations Pluserix (SmithKline Beecham) and Immravax
came from the Chief medical officer on
14 September 1992. The confusion however was spectacular, like a
reorganising itself and beginning new strategic onslaughts, without any
commanding officers.
Woods, for instance in his summary quoted above, explains how the chances
of vaccinated children getting aseptic
meningitis, was so small that it was considered acceptable to continue with the
use of the vaccine in the future if this
was necessary; this conclusion is reached, we should remember, for the use
of a mumps vaccination that official policy considered prior to 1988 as
unnecessary and some independently minded doctors considered unethical and a
Rubella vaccination that was only licensed for females.
was no 'worldwide withdrawal' of Pluserix in 1991.
The Canadian regulatory authority cancelled the Pluserix
licence in 1990 and Malaysia the Philippines and Singapore followed Canada. In
Britain, however, the manufacturer 'suspended
distribution of the vaccine', the DH stopped 'purchasing' it, but there was no
product recall initiated for it and in the JCVI Minutes of 6th
November 1992 item 8.1 tells us that 'no action would be taken to revoke the
manufacturer’s license'.
The Australian government found
yet another way of 'withdrawing' their countries version of Pluserix
in May of 1991, when they 'secretly' withdrew the vaccine. Oddly enough this
withdrawal was precipitated by news from Britain about adverse reactions. The
IIG, group a vaccine pressure group, wrote to the federal Minister for Health
in November 1992, in the following terms:
We are therefore extremely concerned to learn that
although the vaccine was withdrawn from health department clinics in May 1991,
no attempt has been made in nearly 18 months to inform the general public, or
doctors about that decision. By withholding this information you have neglected the right of
individuals to make an informed choice concerning vaccination. You have also
endangered the health of thousands of babies, and yet again given the lie to
your own claims about the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines. We call upon you to set up an inquiry among all parents who claim a
connection between their child's MMR vaccination and meningitis or other brain
disease or damage.
Australia has a very poor record
of post vaccine surveillance or record of adverse reactions and deaths
following vaccines.[63]
After decades of mass vaccinations reporting of adverse reactions
caused by vaccinations is not even compulsory, except for the state of New
South Wales, where it was only made compulsory in 1991 because of strong
pressure created by the Immunisation Investigation
Group (IIG) over MMR.[64] The
Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Committee, like the British JCVI is committed
to the view that deaths following immunisation occur
principally as a consequence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and not
What actually happened in
Britain was that the Department of Health issued a letter on 14th September 1992 advising
all Health Care Professionals that, from September
14th 1992, Pluserix (SmithKline Beecham) and Immravax (Merieux) would no
longer be supplied 'following reports of generally mild transient meningitis caused by the mumps vaccine virus in some
children who recently received the Urabe mumps vaccine containing products'. [65]
On one hand the identified numbers of cases of aseptic meningitis
were sufficiently high to warrant instructions by the manufacturer to stop
using it immediately, and the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) 'ordered' pharmacists
to remove the vaccines from their shelves. On the other hand the UK licensing
authorities, at that time the pharmaceutically funded Medicines Control Agency,
did not consider the situation grave enough to merit the issuing of a formal
Product Recall and were quite content to permit the licence to remain live.
What was the reasoning behind allowing the two companies to keep
their license? It seems to have been twofold,
on the one hand always happy to make a quick buck, like downmarket spivs, Smith Kline Beecham wanted to continue selling the
vaccine in developing countries. The other reason was equally logical, the
British government thought it best not to dispose of vaccine stocks or it's
license, just in case it was needed some time in the future.
However, as use of Urabe-containing MMR vaccine had
already ceased in the UK and as it was considered that there would be a place
for use of Immravax and Pluserix
should the supply of MMR-II be compromised at any time, it was considered that
no licensing action was required at the time for the two MMRs
that contained the Urabe strain as the overall benefit to risk balance remained
positive when compared with the risk of meningo-encephalitis
associated with naturally-acquired mumps infection.[66]
By permitting the manufacturers to keep their Product Licences , the
UK authorities paved the way for the vaccines to be marketed in other EU
countries and further afield despite having been
removed from use in the UK, Canada and other countries on grounds of safety.
The situation regarding the
status of the Pluserix vaccine in 1992 is made quite
clear in this Freedom of Information (FOI) release.
I can inform you that there was no formal recall of Pluserix. In September 1992, a decision was taken by
Department of Health not to purchase any further Urabe based MMR vaccines (Pluserix and Immravax).
MMR2 was issued as a replacement but there was no formal action taken against
the Urabe-containing products.[67]
In an article in the
Pharmaceutical Journal on the 19th September 1992 the demise of pluserix is glossed over with the announcement that future
purchasing of the MMR vaccine is to be 'restricted' to that of MMR II only.
The Department of Health restricted future purchasing
of mumps, measles and rubella vaccine to MMR-II which is marketed by Wellcome Medical Division and contains the Jeryl Lynn (B level) strain of the mumps virus.[68]
The only communication to
practitioners in the UK on the subject of the withdrawal of Immravax
and Pluserix was the letter by the Chief Medical
Officer Sir Kenneth Calman, advising that as of the
14th September 1992 only MMR II was to be supplied by the NHS.
If SmithKline
Beecham issued an urgent letter to all practitioners in New Zealand advising
them to stop using the Pluserix vaccine immediately on the 11th
September 1992, why did the same thing not happen in Britain? When the British
government did withdraw the vaccine they chose the form of 'withdrawal', that
created least confrontation with the pharmaceutical companies. It seems that
the government were forced by dual incidents into acting against Immravax and Pluserix, despite
their inclination to keep the whole story of the adverse reactions under wraps.
On the one hand an ongoing argument developed between civil servants and
researchers about the publication of the results of research commissioned by
the DH into Urabe and adverse reactions. On the other hand, someone leaked the
facts about the government orders sent to pharmacists about the withdrawal of
the two vaccines.
Just how the DH planned to deal
with the building crisis is unclear but the Minutes of the JCVI 6th
November 1992 record how any opportunity of an orderly, controlled release of
information was denied them when the leak to the press by a pharmacist, about
the withdrawal forced an immediate release of the letter from the CMO and
subsequent formal press releases. The actions of the pharmacist and the
publication by the newspaper at least ensured swift and decisive action by
the DH.
Pluserix and Immravax went on to ensnare lucrative
contracts for Immunisation Programmes all over the world. As had been the case
with other drugs withdrawn previously in Britain, the two vaccines adopted new
names and started a brand new life.
The Global 'Withdrawal'
However seriously the Urabe containing vaccines were taken in the
developed world, when it came to a continuing life of profit their
manufacturers were happy to palm off damaging goods on the developing world.
The WHO was also happy to act as a mouthpiece for the manufacturing companies,
reassuring the people of various countries that aseptic meningitis was a simple
transitory illness little different from a cold. The WHO recommended that vaccines containing
the Urabe mumps strain could be used in countries where vaccines containing an
alternative mumps virus strain were not available.
Mumps, measles and rubella
vaccine is a mixed preparation containing live attenuated strains of the
measles, mumps and rubella virus. There are different strains of the mumps
virus and it is suggested that meningitis may
occur marginally more frequently with vaccine containing the Urabe Am 9 strain
of the mumps virus than the Jeryl Lynn strain. However, a number
of regulatory authorities still accept the Urabe Am 9 strain of the mumps virus
on the grounds that no permanent damage
arises from the aseptic meningitis.[69]
Professor Woods CEO of the MHRA, the drug
company funded department of the Department of Health, suggested a more humane
explanation for the WHO's promotion of
Urabe MMR in developing countries, this was possible he said; 'in countries where vaccines containing an
alternative mumps virus strain were not available.'[70] This of course sounds
more reasonable than the deception quoted above.
The authorities in the UK
clearly had difficulty in making a definitive decision regarding any aspects of
licensing relating to Pluserix after it was
identified in the Nottingham data as being hugely problematic in relation to
aseptic meningitis. Cyprus did not have
the same problems By the 23rd
October 1992 the Cypriots had taken steps to ensure that their children would
be safe from Urabe by removing the Cypriot licences. The Drug Council in Cyprus
withdrew the marketing licence for Smith Kline Beecham triple vaccine Pluserix, the mumps/measles vaccine Rimparix,
the mumps vaccine Pariorix and two other MMR
vaccines, Trimovax and Imovax manufactured by Pasteur Merieux.[71]
To add to our understanding of
what happened to Pluserix
and Immravax, after their withdrawal in Britain,
Japan and Canada in is useful to look at the global situation. Pharmaceutical manufacturers have strategies for continually
spinning out the life of endangered dangerous drugs and vaccines by changing
their names, rebranding and redistributing,
especially to countries where there is even less medicine safety than in Britain,
difficult though that might be.
In fact, two decades after their distribution in Britian, there can be very few countries which have not
used a Urabe containing vaccine in some shape or form and a very distinctive
pattern emerges. It appears that once the product has been associated with problems
in a specific country, it is removed from use but subsequently appears in
another country with a new name. To date, Urabe containing products can
be identified as Pariorix, Trivirix, Pluserix, Immravax, Rimparix, Morupar, Vaxipar,Trimovax and
An example of this is the Chiron Corporation MMR vaccine. In
march 2006, biotech company Chiron recalled and
withdrew their vaccine Morupar, that it had supplied
mostly to Italy and various developing nations such as Syria, Jordan, and a
variety of smaller countries through the United Nation's Children's Fund and
Pan American Health Organization.
Having decided to withdraw their product due to adverse reactions, Chiron then became party to a risk benefit analysis[72] with the WHO in respect of their vaccine to
determine whether or not it would be
appropriate for a proportion of their stocks to be utilised in current health
programs such as those conducted by UNICEF and PAHO.
Chiron has been in communication with the relevant
health authorities and informed them of its actions in order to enable them to
find replacement supplies of MMR vaccine. Chiron will work closely with the
World Health Organization (WHO) to assist it in conducting a thorough
risk-benefit analysis of MORUPAR vaccine to determine whether it is appropriate
for a limited quantity of the existing inventory to remain available for
current public health programs such as those conducted by UNICEF and PAHO.[73]
In 1995, Pluserix was identified as the vaccine used in a mass immunisation
programme in Brazil resulting in a huge outbreak of aseptic meningitis
(see below).
In the
minutes from the Legislative Council we note that Hong Kong
used Urabe within their MMR until it was changed in 1997. Korean, Croatian,
Bulgarian, France, Malaysian, Austrailian
and New Zealand children were also given been given Urabe preparations. In
January 2003 Urabe appears again as part of an MMR called Trimovax
Pasteur Merieux-France in Saudi
Arabia, and cases of aseptic meningitis were recorded.
Immravax like Pluserix despite being dropped from
use by the Department of Health in September 1992 appears to have progressed
under different names to encompass, the globe. By 2003, the Eastern
Mediterranean Health journal[74]
reported Trimovax by Pasteur Merieux,
containing Urabe Am 9 mumps strain as
being responsible, in fact the make-up of Trimovax
was identitical to Immravax
the MMR produced 11 years earlier. Outbreaks of unacceptable levels of adverse reactions follow in the wake of
Urabe containing MMR vaccines yet they reappear, post withdrawal from the markets, revamped with a new names, packaging and advertisements
in different countries.
A Couple of Ethical Chickens Come
Home to Roost
When, in November 1994, the
editor of the Bulletin of Medical Ethics,
Dr Richard Nicholson entered the fray over MMR,
accusing the vaccine establishment of drumming up a storm over an
imminent measles epidemic and charging them with experimenting on the child
population, while also suggesting that the Department of Health was misleading
the public by providing inadequate information on the side effects of the
vaccine. Nicholson spoke out about the mass vaccination for a year, before
publishing his paper in The Bulletin of
Medical Ethics in 1995.[75] In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, in 1994 Nicholson
The Health Department keeps saying that they will be closely observing the effects of this mass vaccination on our children, that is part of a research programme. The health department has a bad record in interesting itself in the ethics of research on humans. Now it appears to be breaching its own and accepted international guidelines to carry out research on our children.[76]
At a meeting of the JCVI in November 1995, item 11, Dr Nicholson's 'article' was described as 'deeply offensive' to all those involved in the Measles, Rubella (MR) campaign. It was suggested that Dr Nicholson had interpreted matters 'in his own way' (implying there was only one way information could be interpreted) giving a 'superficial view', and 'failing to understand many of the issues involved.' It was also noted that much of his theory was presented without empirical evidence. Dr Nicholson was further charged in his absence with referring to the MR campaign as an 'experiment' and that he had suggested 'impropriety in vaccine purchase', and crime of crimes, it was noted that his article had not been peer reviewed.
The Committee acknowledged that 'dealing with this matter was very difficult'. Interestingly the Health Visitors Journal had promoted the article and considerable media attention had been generated through it. To counter balance the effect, the PHLS had prepared a detailed response to Dr Nicholson’s criticisms in the CDR Review.[77]
Dr Elizabeth Miller wrote the rebuttal article with N J Gay. It begins with a superb piece of reasoning which reminded me of the joke about the man who looking over his garden hedge sees his neighbour stalking round his garden with a shotgun, 'What are you doing?' he says, 'Me?', says the man with the shotgun, 'I'm ridding my garden
of polar bears', the neighbour frowns, 'But there aren't any polar bears in your garden', 'I know, done a good job haven't I?' the man with the gun says before stalking off.
The aim of the national vaccination campaign was to prevent an epidemic of measles that had been predicted to occur in 1995. The incidence of measles has fallen considerably [there was no epidemic] since the campaign, providing evidence of it's success ....[78]
The great measles epidemic
that was supposedly going to sweep Britain in 1994 was never going to happen,
Nicholson argued, it had been dreamed up to sell vaccines. A £20m national
immunisation programme went ahead without an epidemic. The organisation What Doctor's Don't Tell You reported a
high number of adverse reactions during the mass vaccination,[79] that Dr Nicholson described as 'a gift horse' for the drug
companies involved.
Miller and the Boys from Brazil
However hard you look on the internet for an
exacting description of Salvador, one of the principal cities in
Northeast Brazil, you will probably find that everything is covered by a glossy
tourist language that gilts everything from human rights, to beautiful beaches,
from modern architecture to Marde Grase.
It's only if you fall upon an off-beat writer and traveller
such as Galen R. Frysinger
Sheboygan a retired
scientist from Wisconsin USA,[80] who now spends most of his time
traveling to interesting places, that you come across statements such
as 'Northeastern Brazil is one of the country’s
most impoverished regions and it is characterized by high birth and infant
mortality rates. Many of Salvador’s residents are extremely poor and the city
suffers from high levels of unemployment and crime'.
Inevitably, few writers go as far as the Scripps
analyst, who described Brazil as the gateway to the world pharmaceutical
market, but if there is one country in the world that is receptive to buying
British pharmaceuticals and also contains wide US influence, it's Brazil, and
just like Africa and the newly market orientated East European countries, it
has become a fertile land for pharmaceutical human experimentation. There are
good reasons for this, some 40 - 50% of the Brazilian population cannot obtain
any pharmaceuticals because of what the industry calls 'financial constraints'
and what more literate observers might call poverty. [81]
Despite the fact that there are 370 indigenous
pharmaceutical companies in Brazil, with about 80% of them being
national, foreign firms from the US and Europe supply 70% of the market,
without taking into account direct sales to the government. For these reasons
and others, Brazil is a drug pushers paradise, both for generics and for
the sophisticated and highly specialised sales to the government of things like HIV
drugs, and vaccines.
In 1997 in the wake of the national immunisation programme in
Salvador, there was an epidemic of aseptic meningitis and a team of
epidemiologists scoured the hospitals looking for cases. Oddly this team was
not just made up of Brazilians, one of the project participants was Patrick Faringdon, a statistician at the Public health Laboratory
Service (PHLS) Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, in London. One of his
seniors was Dr Elizabeth Miller, one of Britain's generals of the campaign for
mass vaccinations and a most determined defender of MMR. Miller was also
involved in writing up the paper,[82] that grew up out of the project.
The paper that wrote up this study, was
published in 2000, and concluded 'that there was an outbreak of aseptic meningitis' following the mass vaccination programme. It would be charitable to think, that Faringdon and Miller had been called in to track down the
source of the outbreak and stop it, this however is unlikely as it was the
British company SKB, the manufacturer of the Urabe containing MMR that had sold
the vaccine to the Brazilian's. The project, rather represents a kind of
epidemiology in reverse with a theoretical framework explained in this way: 'We
know the cause of this illness, and are researching the situation to see how
many people are made ill'. One of the conclusions to the paper, seems to be
staggering in it's implications:
issue is not simply whether or not a specific vaccine is associated with an
adverse event, but the extent to which a specific vaccination strategy
influences the visibility of the adverse event despite its confirmed relative
rarity, and hence affects public confidence.
be distracted by the idea that this sentence appears to be arguing against mass
vaccination campaigns. The only way that it can be rationally debated is to
discuss what it appears to be suggesting as a next step. Put in the simples
term, the sentence suggests that mass immunization campaigns throw up mass
incidents of adverse reaction which when seen by the population lower the
take-up rate. However, rather than consider how it might be possible to put an
end to adverse reactions by researching susceptible sub groups, rather than
suggesting that Urabe containing MMR should not be used by the Brazilian
authorities and the vaccine withdrawn, rather than research the design of a
vaccine damage funding department, the authors of the paper would like to
develop a strategy for vaccination that reduces the visibility and not the incidence of relatively rare adverse reactions.
does not take much thought, however Machiavellian, to figure out ways of
disguising adverse reaction; vaccine days could be staggered over months in
small and very disparate areas, batches could be mixed,[83] doctors and practice nurses could
vaccines in surgeries without the announcements of a mass campaign. All such
practices would add to disguising and covering vaccine damage. However, there
is one other absolutely necessary strategy if governments and experimenting
scientists want to hide the visibility of vaccine damage, that is press
censorship, a tactic that has been found
to be very useful in Britain. In fact here in this Brazilian paper, in a nutshell
is a research result that might help the British government and the DH in all
future battles against those who are bound to be vaccine damaged. [84]
It might be suggested by some that the British
government, the MHRA and even the pharmaceutical companies acted heartlessly in
reselling stocks of Urabe containing MMR to developing countries and then
researching the resultant adverse reactions. There is however, a much warmer
and more consoling interpretation, not only were the dangerous vaccines sold
cheaply to Brazil, but any research on the children of developing countries
could obviously be used to great advantage if at any time in the future the
Urabe containing vaccines were used again in Britain.
Conclusions: Not in Our Name
It's February 2009 in
London, England and the trial before the General Medical Council (GMC) of three
doctors, charges with over 100 offences before a GMC Fitness to Practice Panel,
is after two years, almost due to bring in verdicts. The trial began in June
2007 with a suggested time frame for completion of four months.[85]
Perhaps the most
serious charges against Dr Andrew Wakefield and his two co-defendants,
Professor Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch, who
had, the GMC states, suggested that the MMR vaccination could cause
inflammatory bowel disease and regressive autism in vulnerable children, is
that they carried out experimental procedures on autistic children. Their
intention being to prove, that the MMR vaccination caused serious adverse
reactions. This they did, the prosecution says, purely for financial gain.[86] The truth
of course is far simpler; faced with an undiagnosed illness amongst seriously
ill children brought to the Royal Free Hospital by many parents, these doctors
and others at the Hospital, worked hard to come up with a diagnostic protocol
that would lead to their treatment.
While doctors
Wakefield, Murch and Walker-Smith stand accused of
experimenting on children, the fact is that with vaccination, even more
regularly than other pharmaceutical treatments, continuously experiments on
populations of healthy people. There is a serious lack of trials for vaccines
and the composition of them is often changed by pharmaceutical companies
without regard for adverse reactions. Like many pharmaceutical treatments
vaccines are never tested for long-term or even medium length adverse
reactions, while a number of pharmaceutical and vaccines go through no trials
at all.[87]
In no area of society
other than public health, apart from the military and states of warfare, are
the interests and messages of public good, corporate profit and ideology so
greatly and deliberately confused. In fact
not surprisingly in times of biological, toxic and germ warfare, the two
areas often use the same personnel, and plant. It isn't just coincidence that,
despite having a lovely picture of sheep and rural tranquility on it's home
page, one of the main centers of the Health Protection Agency is at Porton Down, where as late as 2002 the military and medical
establishments were still testing deadly Sarin gas on
unwary soldiers in the name of public health. [88]
As Marshall McLuhan[89] said in
the late sixties, the medium is the
message and this is especially true of
public health, the image of which has to present an unblemished facade.
However, unlike many areas of industry public relations crisis management, such
as airplane crashes or automobile accidents, in the area of vaccines only a
small percentage of the public is even vaguely aware that there is a serious
conflict between external appearance and hidden dangers. In the case of vaccination
a world of jiggery-pokery exists behind the
reassuring scenes propagated by an apparently benign government. Nevertheless
such shenanigans, dirty tricks and duplicity are there and the operators of
these dysfunctional public health systems have learnt without shame from the
military and Public Relations establishments, to placating the public with a
peaceful vision of rural idylls and a future of
healthy urban progress.
There is inevitably a
moral dimension to the economic and health conundrum presented in the GMC trial
of doctor Wakefield. In a democracy, regulatory oversight should be at a high
level, in the area of pharmaceuticals especially risk in all its detail should
be explained to patients, by doctors unconnected to the industry. In the area
of vaccines, alternatives should be available to children in danger of adverse
reactions and finally, support systems of all kinds, medical and financial
should be in place for any child that suffers any kind of adverse reaction in a State organised programme. In
this regard the
social, regulatory and governmental problems relating to vaccination are the
same as those that relate to the adverse effects of all pharmaceuticals. The
construction of such policies should be one of the first considerations of an
honest government answerable to the people and not to industry.
However, the modern citizen knows next to
nothing, in many areas, about the objectives and methods of modern government.
The separation between the rulers and the ruled has always been there, it is
doubtful for instance whether the feudal serf knew anything about the plans of
his more powerful masters. What is singularly different, today however, is that
while the serf was expected to honour and obey his
master following some vaguely religious belief in how society was ordered,
today the citizen expects to have a more intimate involvement in the workings
of society. It comes as something of a shock to the laity when they find that
they are being hoodwinked and manipulated by well organised
cabals within government.
* *
Until relatively recently, a constant argument
flowed through Japanese society about the use of research carried out on
prisoners in Japanese prisoner of war camps. Simplified, the argument when like
this, if the experiments carried out on prisoners were 'unethical', such as
those which looked at the point at which people died if they were frozen, was
it possible to use the resultant information thirty years later, for example,
in school text books.
This discourse did not go on to the same extent
in Germany because as soon as the war was over the most important scientists,
engineers and technicians of the Third Reich were given a safe haven in the
United States where they worked on, such things as, the new US Space programme and the atomic bomb. As well, many leading
figures in the Nazi regime, who proclaimed themselves liberals and democrats to
the new four power administration that took over Germany, were whisked away to
'schools' in Britain and America where they were 're-educated' to take up
positions of power in post-war Europe.
However, it is known to be the case that
experiments on women prisoners in Auschwitz, conducted with the intention of
finding out how whole societies could be made infertile and how others might
reproduce only arian peoples, considerably aided the
development of Hormone Replacement Therapy by I G Farben's
subsiduary companies after the war.
While these experiments fuelled xenophobic
ideological ideas about Japan and Germany, the allies came out of the second
world war, in relation to scientific ethics, 'smelling of roses'. That is,
until it was revealed that after the war, experimentation on citizens was
rampant, especially in America, the final disclosure of the MK ULRA programme, proved how people had been experimented on
without their knowledge using psychiatry, hypnosis and mind altering drugs.
While the Final Report of the Advisory
Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, published in 1996, reported after
sitting for a year and a half that American military and security personnel had
experimented on children, prisoners, mental patients and other hospital
inmates, in
North America and Europe with radioactive
substances in one experiment sprinkling the material on the breakfasts child orphans.[90]
The idea of finding out what will damage the
enemy and how the enemy might damage us, or how populations might be controlled
are now firmly intertwined with the exploration of human health. So it has
happened that the field of vaccination has become subject not only to the
double-speak portrayed so well by George Orwell in 1984,[91] but also to similar ideas about
government control that tend to determine all relations between the government
and the people in areas of high security. The two most specific questions to be
answered in relation to mass vaccination are first; if a product that has not
had any, or extensive enough trials, is used in a mass vaccination campaign,
does this constitute experimentation on that population? Second, if the state carries
out a mass vaccination campaign while denying the subjects full information
about the possible adverse effects of that vaccination, does this constitute
The question of what citizens know about
vaccines, of what they are told about their effects and the responsibility
taken by governments for damage caused by them, in both mass vaccination
campaigns and more esoteric areas such as the use of anthrax vaccine in Gulf
War soldiers,[92] lies at the very centre of
contemporary 'democracy'. No scientific project apart from such things as the
development of the atomic bomb have every argued more succinctly for the
participation of the whole population, personal choice, the complete disclosure
of information and the taking of responsibility for collateral damage, than
Meanwhile getting any kind of compensation out
of the British government, is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone. While
Japan had settled all its Urabe victim cases, and even America has begun
settling its MMR cases, the British government remains obdurate, apart from a
few cases settled by the Vaccine Damage Payment Unit, after enormous emotional
and temporal outlay by parents, the
government has approached the whole question from the perspective of the
pharmaceutical companies involved.
These victims have been ajudged as collateral casualties of an internal war
waged not between the forces of scientific health and dangerous diseases, but
between the pharmaceutical companies, their profit and respectability and the
British people suffering an onslaught of poor, sometimes experimental,
misguided and sometimes untruthful health advice from government.
* *
Because of the 'secret' branch of government run through the regulatory agencies by the drugs companies and embedded in the Department of Health, the real discourse
around death and medicine never reaches the public arena and even it does, they a peculiar kind of reasoning sets in that allows the participants to escape any discipline for their crimes. Although superficially, the arguments of the pharmaceutical companies has changed since the 1960s and thalidomide, the peculiar resentment of the pharmaceutical industry that has always appeared odd in a democracy is still there. In their excellent book [93] published in 1972 about the power of the drug companies, following the Thalidomide scandal, Henning Sjostrom and Robert Nilsson say:
It seems, in principle, self evident that
no free enterprise can expect only to share the profit of their products without
also taking responsibility for any damage caused by them. It was very
surprising to hear Astra's argument during the
thalidomide trial, that society i.e. the Swedish state, should pay compensation
for the damage caused by Astra's products, Neurosedyn and Noxodyn. It is
preposterous to assume that the drug industry can be allowed to prosper when
their results are positive, but refrain from paying damages and pass the burden
of responsibility on to society when something goes wrong with their products.
One argument put forward by the pharmaceutical industry against any application of strict liability is that the drug industry is working for the benefit of mankind in a unique way and cannot be compared with other types of industrial enterprise. It seems that the pharmaceutical industry does not wish to recognise the fact that the main impetus for the running of the pharmaceutical industry, like any other type of industry in the West, is profit.
While the language has
changed, the same sly insinuation that the world owes Big Pharma
a living is still there based on the fictitious idea that they do everything
they do for the sake of world health.
In the area of vaccination, since it's
inception, the public have paid a price for an illusory peace of mind. There
have been, almost without exception, serious adverse reactions to every vaccine
that has been produced. The price paid for 'herd immunity', is for some
individuals and their families, very high. Given this, the risk, spread, damage
and pain of personal injury consequent upon
vaccination has for generations been hidden from the public. This conjuncture,
disclosed or not is at the very centre of the social contract, it's meaning and
construction. Do you tell citizens that in order to keep society healthy they
might have to turn a blind eye or be struck dumb over the deaths and illnesses
of their loved ones? Further what does society owe to those whom it sacrifices
in such a manner?
* *
Who did or didn't want
the triple vaccine, MMR, who thought they might lose money and who thought they
would gain 'health' credibility with it, are serious questions when we come to
ask whether or not and in what manner the government underwrote the production
of the Urabe containing MMR vaccine.
The matter of indemnity,
or the underwriting of corporate pharmaceutical losses, either by legal claims
for damages, withdrawal of products or simple failure of efficacy, is discussed
briefly here, despite the fact that it didn't come to the surface until 2006,
when the Urabe Farrago appeared to be over.[94] Since the seventies, concurrent governments had been digging the hole
into which they might crawl on the instigation of a serious claim for damages
over a vaccine product. On the other hand, pharmaceutical companies have worried
that a political policy might result in the failure or the withdrawal of a
vaccine that has taken millions to produce.
Realising that the manufacturing companies
could gain considerably by producing with governments, the pharmaceutical
companies have done their best to draw governments into a manufacturing
This developing
Corporatism in Britain ensures that governments increasingly take risks on
behalf of corporations. Taxpayers money has been used to support high risk and
inefficient ventures. Governments rather than keeping clearly independent of
corporations and making them pay for their own mistakes, have unwisely
committed themselves into bearing corporate loses. As far as pharmaceutical
companies are concerned, this is as it should be: Big pharma
has always argued that their costs and liabilities should be shared with
government on account of the altruistic work they do on behalf of the nation's
health. The public, however, corralled into mass vaccination campaigns,
ultimately pay the price for this corporatism when governments deny vaccine
damage and refuse to pay reparation.
In order to realise the relevance of the indemnity issue we have to
move forward from
the introduction of the
Urabe containing vaccines to the years between 2003 and 2006, because it was
only then that the fact and the meaning of indemnity was placed on the table.
In the autumn of 2003, pushed by some secret mechanism inside the New Labour government, the Legal Services Commission withdrew
the legal aid that had been provided to claimant parents over the previous ten
years. The parents had been bringing a case against Merck, their British
distributors and associated manufacturers GSK and the French company Merieux. The appeal against the
withdrawal of legal aid was lost.[95]
By the summer of 2004,
the hopes of thousands of parents and their vaccine damaged children had been
dashed. The parents had been deprived of a voice only months before their case
came to trial. As far as the pharmaceutical companies were concerned they had
won a major strategic victory, with the threat of a hearing for the parents in
court removed, with all the claimants documents in the hands of the
pharmaceutical company lawyers, and with it the contempt hazard present while
the case was ongoing now lifted, the defendant pharmaceutical companies could
begin the sprint to next base. Their
central strategy was to turn the tables on Dr Wakefield
and the parents, putting
them in the dock in their place; what better way to obscure your crimes than
accuse the victim.
We will probably not know
for some considerable time, who had most to gain from underwriting the Urabe
brands of MMR that were to do so much damage to British children. However, we
can be fairly certain that the pharmaceutical companies and the government
sought solace for the guilt of their mutual wrongdoings in each other’s arms
and organised their campaign to whitewash themselves
an criminalise
the parents and Dr Wakefield with exacting determination.
When it came to examining
any indemnity offered by the DoH to UK vaccine
manufacturers, the matter was never simply explained. Senior figures in
vaccination and immunisation within the DH have made
contradictory statements about indemnity, although the JCVI minutes of May 7th
1993, unambiguously state ‘SKB continued to sell the Urabe strain vaccine
without liability.’ At the end of the day, only a parliamentary enquiry of some
kind could resolve this and other similar questions.
The developing
corporatism of British government has meant that in part the taxpayer, as well
as suffering the consequence of bad vaccines and bad mass vaccination policy,
has somehow shouldered the financial burden for drug company loses when Urabe
mumps virus MMR was discontinued in Britain. Throughout all the battles, to
defend vaccine policy, the pharmaceutical companies have stood shoulder to
shoulder with government. The evident solidarity of the two parties was
illustrated clearly when in 2004, Brian Deer's pro vaccine industry 'expose' of
Dr Andrew Wakefield in the Sunday Times, was supported three days later by no
lesser person that the Prime Minister, who commented that Deer's article had
now revealed the truth that neither Dr Wakefield or his research were what they
* *
In January 2002, exactly a decade after the Urabe MMR debacle, Liam Donaldson, the Chief Medical Officer at that time, published Getting Ahead of the Curve – A strategy for infectious diseases.[96] This report set the agenda for ‘modernization’ of the structures within the DH that deal with infectious diseases and, incidentally, research into bio-warfare agents. The report led to the winding up of the Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS), which had muddled along in an on-off relationship making vaccines with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and other drug companies. The new
Health Protection Agency (HPA) was set up and joined with the Centre for Applied
& Research, a part of the Microbiological Research Authority, which reports
to the Department of Health.
The Health
Protection Agency, like many of the other free standing agencies set up under
New Labour, has a commercial section which now, rather than muddling through,
provides contracted services for pharmaceutical companies as well as developing
drugs and vaccines with them.[97] The HPA is very American in its concept of an agency in the
vanguard of the battle, on behalf of the community against infectious disease
and terrorist use of agents of bio-warfare.[98]
Perhaps more
worrying than any of this, however, is that the HPA, also has a committee
completely dedicated to risk management of those threats to public health that
it explores. In the field of mobile phones, vaccination and such things as
dioxins, industry arguments and spin are supported and promoted for public
Donalson’s report laid considerable
stress on vaccination, which he clearly saw as the future of ‘cost-effective
health strategy’.[99] He commits himself and New Labour to an accelerating pace ‘of new
vaccines’. Which will not only be new ‘but many will be combined’. Inevitably, as a modernizer bent on governing
in partnership with industry, Donaldson makes it clear in his report that
‘Harnessing this change will require a carefully managed relationship with the
research community and the vaccine industry'.[100] Getting Ahead of the Curve,
consolidated the idea of the British Government entered into a business
partnership with the pharmaceutical industry to accelerate the production of
‘cost–effective combined vaccines’. Although the public was not informed,
another major novelty would be that many future vaccines would be based upon
genetically engineered material.
There is no mention in this report of any public safeguards or support mechanisms for
damaged children. We can only assume that while the combined vaccine programme
is to be accelerated, the responsibilities of government and the pharmaceutical
industry are to be curtailed.
The Urabe Farrago,
is a little history of secret government in contemporary Britain, which prefigures
the drawn out assault on Dr Wakefield that began around 1994. Both the secret
way in which the British government and the pharmaceutical backed agencies,
responded to the Urabe crisis and the manner in which the made light of vaccine
damage to large numbers of children, laid the basis for the programme of
vaccine damage denial that has accompanied the deprofessionalisation
and public humiliation of Dr Wakefield.
damage denialist, might want to push the Urabe
phenomena into the background, but it was an apparently 'accidental' training
ground - competitive tendering for the DH vaccine, lack of proper trials,
unpublished swapping of viral strains, serious adverse reactions to be
dismissed, campaigns to stop media publicity - for fighting the more
contemporary problems that were to accompany MMR and other combined
It should be
remembered that Dr Wakefield and his colleagues began seeing adverse reaction
cases of MMR at the Royal Free Hospital, from the first years of the 1990s. There
can be no doubt that some of these early cases that turned up at the Royal Free
Hospital were cases of children that had been badly effected by Urabe Mumps
strain vaccine. It is hardly surprising therefore, given the colossal health
destroying error of the British Government in partnering GlaxoSmithKline in the
distribution of the dangerous Urabe mumps strain virus, that Dr Wakefield was
initially concerned about the adverse reactions of MMR. This concern showed
itself before the legal case of the parents of vaccine damaged children gained
legal aid and around 6 years before he and ten other authors published their
paper on other side effects of the
remaining brand of MMR.
Perhaps just
as important in it's effect upon the conflict that has developed between Dr
Wakefield and the British government is the fact that having had to make a
strategic retreat over two of the three brands of combined MMR vaccine launched
by the DH, there could be no doubt that the government would hang on for dear
life in the face of any criticism of their one remaining vaccine. In some ways
Dr Wakefield is attracting now not only the hatred, contempt and political
knives of the present NHS encumbants, but also the
vengeful ghosts of a mistake made by their predecessors.
The arguments of vaccine damage denialists, that vaccines are completely free of adverse reactions, actually disguise not just simple information about vaccination but whole areas of inadequacy in British post industrial democracy. Corporate governance in which the pharmaceutical industry buys its way into partnership with elected representatives, is a basic threat to British and North American democracy, it creates an area of government that seems always to escape responsibility for the damage that it does to children and adults and it is an phenomena that is growing daily. We have to ask ourselves repeatedly, when industry takes over the governance of society who will
protect and safeguard the health of it's citizens.
Posted: April 9, 2009
Scienza e Democrazia/Science
and Democracy
[1] This essay should be read in conjunction
with To Encourage the Others, my last essay published earlier this year and
available from
[2] Causecaste:
[3] Dr Peter Fletcher. Sunday Express 15th July
2007. Dangers of the MMR jab
'covered up'. By Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.
[4] It cannot be stated too often that this
paper was a review of 12 consecutive cases referred to the Royal Free Hospital,
these children were seen on the basis of clinical need and were not part of a
research cohort. The idea that they were research subjects is an unevidenced idea that has been repeated endlessly by the
GMC prosecution.
[5] David Kelly. was a fifty seven year old
Ministry of Defence employee (MoD),
an expert in biological warfare and a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq. An
interview with Kelly on the Today Programme about the
British government's dossier on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq caused a
major political scandal. He was found dead, apparently after committing suicide
days after appearing before the parliamentary committee charged with
investigating the scandal.
[6] Recently, I received a letter from lawyers representing Professor David
Salisbury, Director of immunization at The Department of Health. In part the
letter claimed that I had suggested Salisbury was a member of the contemporary
JCVI and stated he was 'not a member of the current JCVI nor has he ever been a
member'. Because of this letter, Salisbury's name is hardly mentioned in the
following essay and readers might like to use their imagination to place him at
any location they wish in the narrative. To help I have included here some
basic information about Salisbury's attendance at the meetings of the JCVI and
other committees at dates relevant to the introduction of Urabe strain mumps
vaccine: Between November 1986
and May 1994, Salisbury attended 15 meetings of the JCVI, at a number of those
meetings he was recorded as contributing. Between February 1987 and the end of
such meetings in 1990, he attended six meetings of the ARVI/ JCVI/ CSM, during
it's life span he attended every meeting, six in all, of the Working Party for
the Introduction of MMR.
[7] DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis and Tetnus) was first
manufactured in 1947
[8] Manufactured by the Merieux
and by Smith Kline French (later to become GlaxoSmithKline), respectively.
[9] Were all of these children killed by the triple
MMR jab?
January 13 2002 Sunday
Express Focus, Lucy Johnston, Health Editor.
[10] This mumps viral strain was noted in a WHO Position
statement on mumps vaccines published in November 2001.
[11] Children in Britain now face up to 35
vaccines before their teens.
[12] Interview with the author 2007
[13] There are blacked out names and incidents
in the minutes of the JCVI and other meetings, rather than put stars or blanks
here I have decided on the convention of using the name Mr Redacted (the term used for censoring documents) in bold.
[14] Graham S. Wilson. The hazards of Immunization, University of London, The Athlone Press, London 1967
[15] See Martin J Walker, The Ghost Lobby, Published on the internet or available from and Janine Roberts, Fear of the Invisible: How scared should we be of vairuses
and vaccines, HIV and AIDS? Impact Investigative media Productions.
Bristol, UK. 2009
[16] One of the great books about vaccine and
adverse reactions was written about DPT. Harrison L. Coulter, Barbara Leo
Fisher. DPT A Shot in the Dark.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York. 1985.
[17] In February 2009, notice was given by
Merck that they were to discontinue the single mumps vaccine in Britain and the
[18] Urabe containing vaccines. Orevax: Contents,
Injection: Live attenuated virus vaccine against mumps, Urabe AM-9 strain,
prepared by culture in embryonated hen eggs: Mumps
vaccine. manufacturer, Aventis Pasteur. Pariorix: Contents,
Injection: Monodose vial: Lyophilized
preparation of the highly attenuated Urabe Am 9 strain of mumps virus, obtained
by propagation of the virus in chick embryo tissue cultures. Mumps vaccine.
Manufacturer, SmithKline Beecham.Vaxipar:
Contents, Injection: Live
attenuated virus vaccine against mumps, Urabe AM-9 strain, prepared by culture
in embryonated hen eggs: Mumps vaccine.
Manufacturers, Amson. Trimovax:
Contents, Injection: Live
attenuated virus vaccine against measles, (Schwarz strain), prepared on primary
chicken embryo cells, against mumps, (Urabe AM-9 strain), prepared by culture
in embryonated hen eggs, and against rubella, (Wister
RA 27/3M strain), cultured on human diploid cells. (Measles, Mumps &
Rubella vaccine). Single dose vial+syringe of 0.5 ml.
diluent. MMR vaccine. Manufacturers, Aventis Pasteur
[19] Mumps and a Mumps vaccine, a global review
by A.M.Galazka, S.E.Robertson,
and A Kraigher in the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 1999, 77(1)
[20] For example: Pluserix
contained not less than 20,000 TCIDS50 of Urabe mumps strain. Trimovax contained 5,000 TCIDS50 of Urabe mumps strain. Immravax contained greater than or equal to 5,000 TCIDS50
of urabe mumps strai. Morupar contained 5,000 TCIDS50 of urabe
mumps strain
[21] Andre and Peetermans
Effect of simultaneous administration
of live measles vaccine on the "take rate" of live mumps vaccine. Dev Biol Stand. 1986;65:101-7.
[22] Strategic Issues
in Measles Research, European Commission Directorate General, DXXII/B4,
[23] 11th December 1974 (CHSC(VI)
(74) 14)
[24] MMR Information sheet 2, to be found at
[25] As recently as November 2002 in a report 'The Week In Parliament'
we learn that the MCA had extended the scheme nurses. In November 1999 an
article in the Pharmaceutical Journal[25]
records how following a pilot study, all UK community pharmacists “can now
report suspected adverse drug reactions via the Yellow card scheme” Hospital pharmacists had been accepted into
the scheme since 1997. In 1999, when
community pharmacists were allowed into the scheme, the President of the Royal
Pharmaceutical Society, Mrs Christine Glover said 'Pharmacists are in an
ideal position to report on adverse drug reactions; it is surprising that all
community and hospital pharmacists have not been able to report ADRs until now.'
[26] Also sitting on the CSM at this time was
professor G. Nuki, whose son by amazing coincidence
was the editor of the Focus pages on the Sunday Times, who awarded Brian Deer
the investigative story that for over four years has destroyed Dr Wakefield's
career. In 1989, Nuki decaled non-personal interests
in Glaxo and Wyeth. See
this author's essay The Complainant.
[27] Miller C, Miller E, Rowe K, Bowie C, JuddM,
Walker D. Surveillance of symptoms following
MMR vaccine in
children. The Practitioner. 1989:233:69-73
[28] Peltola H & Heinonen OP Frequency of true
adverse reactions to measles -mumps - rubells
vaccine. Lancet.
[29] M. Flynn & B.P. Mahon Chapter 6: Immune Response to Mumps Viruses Recent
Research Developments in Virology, 5 (2003):97-115 ISBN:81-7895-094-4)
* [It
is easy to misclassify adverse vaccine reactions (e.g. by decreeing that health
effects after 4 or 6 hours from the vaccine administration cannot be related to
it) or to silence those doctors who would otherwise be willing to report
them, and the present paper provides evidence that the pressure in
both directions is huge (let alone paying doctors for every child they
vaccinate!). (Webmaster’s Note)]
[31] Wellcome was
later taken over by Glaxo and after various
metamorphoses eventually became GlaxoSmithKline, (GSK) which is the company
that I shall refer to throughout the rest of this essay
[32] JCVI minutes and all other available data
recorded how MMR II was 3-4 times more costly than Pluserix
but the new releases identify the MMR II product at £1 in the early catch up
phase going up to £2 after that whereas the supply agreement for Pluserix records the cost of Pluserix
at £3.80 plus vat.
[33] Despite it being said at the launch of MMR
that the vaccine gave a life-long safeguard, some time later, the DH gave up on
this and introduced a booster.
JCVI Friday 7th November 1986
[35] MMR Working Party Minutes 23 January 1987
[36] A number of FOI request between 1988 and
1998 resulted in blank refusals or an apparent lack of knowledge.
[37] John Horam MP, Member
of Parliament for Orpington since 1992. Minister of
Health in the last Conservative Government and before a Minister in the Cabinet
Office. From 1997 - 2004 Chairman of the House of Commons Environmental Audit
Select Committee, presently a member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.
[38] Information obtained under FOI
[39] Minutes of a meeting of the
Joint Working Party Of The British Paediatric Association and The JCVI. 26 June
[40] MMR II was licensed in the UK but
according to contemporaneous minutes from the JCVI, the vaccine was not
expected to be brought into the campaign until the end of November of that year
and the licence for Immravax the third of the UK campaign vaccines, was not be
granted for a futher 18 months. The supply of Pluserix from 1988 was managed by
SmithKline and associated companies which were about to be swalled up by Glaxo
and incorporated with Wellcome.
[41] see
[42] Mr Llew Smith MP
20th March 1997 column 805
[42] Response from Mr Malone 29th
March 1997, column 805 Hansard
[42] The MHRA came into existence in 2003.
While it might appear, superficially, that the MHRA is a department of the DoH, or even perhaps an independent agency linked to the DoH, it is in fact a Government trading fund. This might as
well be called a business or a corporation, for a trading fund is an almost
entirely separate economic entity, which earns money be the provision of
services, and, like any kind of company, has to balance the books at the end of
each year. A trading fund is a government department, or an executive agency,
or part of the department, which has been established as such by means of a
Trading Fund Order made under the Government Trading Funds Act 1973. However,
unlike a number of other Government Trading Funds, which provide services, earn
money and accept fees from diverse ‘beyond government’ sources, the whole of
the MHRA income is provided by one funder – the
pharmaceutical industry. Further, a percentage of staff and executives of the
agency have come into it from the pharmaceutical industry. It is, therefore, not surprising that, funded
and partly staffed by the industry, its policies are shaped to please this
sector. The MHRA, has the largest policing and enforcement department in
Europe, a part of the Enforcement & Intelligence Division (E&ID) of the
Agency. The group is now dealing with an increasing volume of cases of alleged
non-compliance with medicines legislation, and offences under the 1968 Medicines
Act and more recent European regulations. Extract The Fate of a Good Man: The Investigation, Prosecution and Trial of Jim
Wright by the MHRA, Martin J Walker. E book Slingshot Publications
( London. 2007
[45]Bonnie Estridge Daily Mail
18 May 2004
[46] Transcript of the Japanese MMR Litigation
[47] The CSM was then a committee of the
Medicines Control Agency (MCA), the precursor of the MHRA, an apparently
government run drugs regulatory body that was actually entirely funded by license
money paid by phamaceutical companies.
[48] Minutes of
the CSM meeting 28th September 1989
[49] Transcript of Japanese MMR litigation 2003
[50] ARVI Minutes October 6th 1989
[51] Received from JCVI minutes under FOI.
[52] Transcript of Japanese MMR litigation
[53] Minutes of meeting Friday 6th
November 1992,
[54] Transcript of Japanese MMR litigation 2003
[55] This is an interesting suggestion and
gives credence to the fact that large pharmaceutical companies actually spend
millions of pounds on post-prescription surveillance that they do not share
with national health care systems or national governments for reasons of
commercial competitiveness.
[56] James A. Gray and Sheila M. Burns
(correspondence), The Lancet (14 Oct 1989): 981989
[57] Committee on the Development of Vaccines
and Immunisation Procedures (CDVIP) meeting in Tuesday 28th November
[58] Rosemary Fox, Helen's Story John Blake,
London 2006
[59] Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology. Summary Report of July 1995
[60] Holding answer 31 October 1995
[61] With apologies to John Cleese
and his 'Dead Parrot sketch': Mr. Praline: 'E's not pinin'!
'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and
gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you
hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd
be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory!
'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the
bucket, 'e's
shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS
Monty Pythons Flying Circus first series 'Full Frontal
Nudity', 7 December 1969.
[62] This view was endorsed as the official
view at a meeting of the JCVI on the 6th November 1992, when a
conscious decision not to revoke the manufacturers licence was taken as it may
have caused 'a worldwide vaccine crisis.'
[64] Ibid
[65] op cit. Kent Woods CEO of the MHRA
[66] Kent Woods CEO of the MHRA
[67] FOI release from Jill Moorcroft Freedom of
Information Unit, Department of Health,
[68] (GBRPHJ) The Pharmaceutical Journal, 358,
19 Sep 1992
[69] (accessed February
[70] Letter from Kent Woods CEO of MHRA
[71] Reference: (CYPPS) Pharmaceutical Services,
Ministry of Health, 23 Oct 1992
[72] Such risk benefit analyses are fraught
with problems and they often favour pharmaceutical companies in a most
illogical manner Assuming that vaccination completely rids a country of a
disease, they then move on to say, and so if the vaccine kills 20 people, this
is a lesser number than those that would have died from the wild illness. Ipso
facto we should introduce the vaccine. This is as faulty as arguing that as we
know the death sentence deters people from committing murder, we should keep it
however many murderers we execute. [The following remarks may be relevant:1) it
is unclear whether the people counted as vaccine casualties have been
counted correctly (and this paper gives ample evidence that this is not only unclear,
it is unlikely); 2) it is
unclear whether the people counted as wild illness casualties have
been counted correctly (for instance, they might have been people with previous
severe health weaknesses, e.g. immunodepressed
children); 3) it is unclear whether the people killed by the vaccine
are the same that would have been at risk under the wild illness. Point 3)
is hardly ever emphasized, but it must be, because health is a right of the
individual, not of society, thus it is unjust to gamble the health of otherwise
not-at-risk people for the sake of saving lives of people at risk of
being killed by the wild illness. The subgroup of people that might be
seriously damaged by vaccine is not a priori the same as the subgroup of those
who would be seriously damaged by the wild infectious agent, since the content
of vaccines is a mess, with viruses, stabilizers, preservatives etc. (Webmaster’s Note)]
Chiron Recalls and Withdraws Morupar(R) MMR Vaccine from Italian and Developing World
[74] Eastern Mediterranean Health journal
Volume 9 Nos1/2, January 2003 'Effect of Gender on Reporting of MMR Adverse
Events In Saudi Arabia'
[75] Dr Richard Nicholson, The Bulletin of Medical Ethics. August 1995
[76] Child vaccine 'breaches rules on
research', Victoria Macdonald. The Sunday
Telegraph 6 November 1994. Dr Nicholson is quoted here at the time of the
mass vaccination programme carried out by the DH.
[77] The Communicable
Disease Report Weekly (CDR Weekly) is the national public health bulletin
for England and Wales. Published every Thursday,
[78] N J Gay, E Miller, Was a measles epidemic
imminent, CDR Review: Volume 5,
Number 13, 8 December 1995.
[79] What
Doctors Don't Tell You magazine, Nov 1995
[81] Pharmaceuticals January 2005. Brazil, top US
Export prospects
[82] Outbreak of Aseptic Meningitis associated with
Mass Vaccination with a Urabe-containing
Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Implications for Immunization Programs. Ines Dourado et al. American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 151, No. 5: 524-530
[83] This technique of concealment has already
gained a colloquial name; 'mashing the batches'. One parent suggests that this
was done in the UK to prevent the incidence of a cluster. Everywhere else
Urabe containing MMR was used , it resulted in a very noticeable, clusters
which had to be dealt with. In the UK they pr empted the emergence of a cluster
by making sure that the batches were distributed on the wind. Even if 20 kids
were all hospitalised on the same night it would not
be noticeable if they were spread all over the UK and even abroad (from an
interview with the author).
[84] Unfortnuately, the events in
1997 with MMR were not the last problems involving vaccines and Brazil, or even
MMR and Brazil, by any means. In March 2006 Chiron's MMR vaccination caused
adverse reactions in a large number of children who had received the vaccine in
an ongoing mass immunisation programme.
The reactions included rashes and anaphylactic shock, a potentially fatal
allergic condition. At least 125 children experienced the reactions.[84]
[85] For an ongoing account of this hearing see and a number of essays by this author.
[86] More recently, Brain Deer a journalist has
suggested that Dr Wakefield should have been charged with criminal charges by
the police.
[87] Asprin is a good
[88] An interesting, if irrelevant aside. The
Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research, Britain’s research
establishment for weapons of mass destruction, which describes itself as ‘An
independent public sector body providing expertise and resources for Government
and the biopharmaceutical industries worldwide’, has six non executive
directors, and nine executive managers, all of whom are men. Should we assume
from this that the writ of equal opportunities does not run in independent
agencies, or simply that most women wouldn’t touch the work with a barge pole?
[89] Herbert
Marshall McLuhan 1911 - 1980, was perhaps the
greatest modern thinker about post industrial media and communications. His
best known book was The Medium is the
[90] Final
report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Oxford
University Press. New York. 1996
[91] Orwell, George (1949). Nineteen Eighty-Four. A novel. London: Secker & Warburg.
[92] Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A: The covert government experiment that's killing our soldiers
and why GI's are only the first victims. Basic Books, USA. 2004.
[93] Henning Sjostrom
and Robert Nilsson, Thalidomide and the
Power of the Drug Companies. A Penguin Special, England 1972.
[94] Whether or not this need by the
pharmaceutical companies to have liability covered by the government has
anything to do with MMR lying unused in Britain between 1972 and 1988, we might
never know. It seems more than probable, however, that the intrinsic dangers of
combining vaccines could have deterred drug companies historically from acting
on MMR in Britain.
[95] Was ruled on by a judge
whose brother was a non-executive director of GSK, and also happened to be Dr
Horton's on line manager at The Lancet.
[96] As a piece of academic work, this report
is often lacking. The introductory section which looks briefly at compromised
immunity begins with the words ‘Advances in medical treatment, particularly in the
fields of cancer therapy and transplantation, have resulted in increased
numbers of people living with impaired immunity.’ Despite the fact that drugs
and chemotherapy mainly consist of chemicals, Donaldson completely avoids any
reference specifically to chemicals in the contemporary phenomena of depleted
immunity. The section of the report on vaccines is full of the evasive,
confused uses of English e.g. ‘Fifty
years ago, in this country, there were measles epidemics every year. Hundreds
of thousands of children were affected. Even
in the second half of the twentieth century, there were more than 100 deaths
associated with many such epidemics.’ (Author’s italics.)
[97] It was the Centre for Applied Microbiology
& Research which supplied the armed forces with anthrax vaccine during the
Gulf War and the occupation of Iraq. Who passed this vaccine for safety ?
[98] The fight against infectious diseases and
terrorism are closely linked in Donaldson’s Report. This is yet another way in
which the discussion of environmentally
induced aspects of public health are avoided.
[99] Quoting from the 1993 World Bank Report Investing in Health.
[100] The vaccine industry consists of those
companies who regularly produce vaccines and are represented within the ABPI,
by being an especially named group: The UK Vaccine Industry Group (UVIG), made
up of Aventis Pasteur which is owned by Merck &
Co., Baxter healthcare, Chiron vaccines, GlaxoSmithKline, Solvay
Healthcare and Wyeth. Above the UVIG is the European
Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations body EVM. Both the UK
Vaccines Industry Group and the European Vaccine Manufacturers Group have the
same basic goals: to sell as much vaccine as possible, or in the words of the
EVM, to ‘promote a favourable climate for expanded vaccine protection and
improve vaccine coverage in Europe, and to help sustain the innovative R&D
capabilities of vaccine manufacturers in Europe'.