Edited by
Hans Ruesch
published 1989 Ó
Hans Ruesch Foundation
A large number of people helped create
this testimonial; first of all, a Swiss dentist, the late Ludwig Fliegel from
Zurich, who in the 1930s published in German many of the quotations that
appear in this book and that he had gathered to a good extent from the journals
of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, a society which has
long since abandoned its erstwhile abolitionist stance no less than the
prestigious RSCPA. The lists of German, Austrian and Hungarian doctors who
signed their opposition to vivisection in the years between 1904 and 1908 are
a facsimile reprint from Fliegel's book. It was published in
The fact
that not a single British publisher or A V society, many of whom dispose of
conspicuous financial assets, ever undertook to publish such a book as this,
and steadfastly ignored all the other works that evidence the scientific
invalidity of vivisection, at the time when Britain's new Animals Act of 1986 -
also known as "The Vivisectors' Charter" - was being pushed through
Parliament, is indicative of how thoroughly the British protectionist
societies have been taken over by the opposing interests after the death in
1932 of Walter Hadwen, M.D., BUAV’s last eminently competent and
anti-vivisectionist President. (See biography.)
The word
vivisection is being used throughout this work as a synonym of "animal
The large
Merriam-Webster (1963): "Vivisection - Broadly, any form of animal
experimentation, especially if considered to cause distress to the subject."
Historical Aspect
Medical Aspect
Intimidatory Aspect
Sociological Aspect
Religious Aspect
Psychopathic Aspect
Mercenary Aspect
“We need
another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote
from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization
surveys the creatures through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a
feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for
their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below
ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be
measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move
finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or
never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren;
they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the
net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the
earth.” - HENRY BESTON - The Outermost House
It often
happens that the universal belief of one age, a belief from which no one was
free or could be free without an extraordinary effort of genius or courage,
becomes to a subsequent age, so palpable an absurdity that the only difficulty
is to imagine how such an idea could ever have appeared credible. - John Stuart Mill
By Hans
About the
compulsion of scientists to perpetuate errors.
How can
one explain that for well over a century and a half a great many respected
citizens, including reputable scientists and physicians, physiologists and
medical researchers have irrefutably demonstrated the uselessness of animal
experimentation as a means of acquiring medical knowledge, and the damage ensuing
to human health from this misconception, and yet the majority of "people
who count" in politics, public health, education, media, even in animal
welfare, and consequently also public opinion, which is influenced by all these
institutions, continue to cling to the belief that animal experiments can't be
renounced? There is a variety of reasons for this phenomenon, which shall be
examined from various viewpoints.
Historical Aspect
History knows many cases where
there was a difference between veritable or normal science, (systematic
knowledge, logically interconnected facts, establishment of verifiable general
laws), and spurious science believed to be true simply because it was endorsed
by the powers-that-be, including the Church and the scientists of the time, and
that we shall define as "official" science. Official science usually
precedes normal science, sometimes by centuries. For example:
In the
Second Century A.D., the Greco-Egyptian astronomer, geographer and
mathematician, Claudius Ptolemaeus, had developed a theory about the universe
that according to the knowledge of his epoch was considered masterly and
irrefutable, conditioning the way of thinking of all mankind up to the Middle
Ages, although it was wrong. It was wrong because it was built on Aristotle's
misconception that the Earth is immobile, and the center of the universe.
out from this false premise, Ptolemaeus had managed to present a brilliant
explanation for the astral movements in the sky that even enabled the sailors
to navigate.
His theory
had the blessing of the Church because thanks to it she could present herself
as the spiritual head and religious center of the universe, and not just of an
infinitesimal fraction of it, such as the Earth; so when in the 16th Century
another astronomer and physicist, Galileo Galilei, came to upset the accepted
theory, true science collided with official science in a resounding clash,
which Galilei could only lose, at first. He was arrested, his life was
threatened, some have it that he was even tortured, at any rate he was forced
to recant.
People who
believe that today such a thing could happen only in Soviet Russia are
grievously mistaken; it happens in our so-called free democracies all the time,
in various fields, even if the punishment for dissidence is not the death
penalty, but economic or other sanctions, which may equally threaten a dissident's
theory was not only opposed by the Church, but also by his peers, the
"natural philosophers", as the scientists were called at the time.
Like many of today's scientists, being revered and admired as sort of demigods
by the low as well as the mighty, they would rather have died than admit they
had been wrong all along and propagated a mistake. Exactly this happens with
many of them today in the realm of animal experimentation. Human nature doesn't
change. That is why new notions are only accepted with extreme slowness and
reluctance, as one must usually wait not only for all the teachers to die, but
also for their pupils to die.
case in point was Andreas Vesalius, a Belgian who taught anatomy in
This is
just one reason why it is so difficult to get the men in charge of education
and the health system to admit that using animals as a parameter for learning
something about human biology may well be another of the great blunders of
official science. (It is in regards to the most intriguing knowledge of all,
the origin of life and the universe, that humans are dominated by one or the
other of two misconceptions, which dwarf, in size and substance, any Ptolomean
error of the past.
schools of thought rest plainly on fiction, but the adherents of each belief
cling with unshakable faith to one or the other as if it were Gospel truth or
"solid gold". One is the Big Bang explanation of our planet earth,
with its corollary of the theory of evolution. It is the result of a
scientistic mentality that in its ignorance and shortsightedness refuses to
admit that there are domains far too vast for the human intellect to encompass
and comprehend; so in their arrogance they invent hair-brained theories that
they present as irrefutable facts, although they have been disproven by their
own standards.
The other
explanation for our existence is, of course, the religious one - divine
creation. Although just as fictitious as any of the newfangled scientistic
theories, it probably comes closer to the truth, reminding us of Joubert saying
that the poets, in their search for beauty, have discovered more truths than
the scientists in their quest for knowledge. The theory of creation is fiction,
but highly inspired fiction, filled with human and moral values totally
lacking in scientistic theories, with the added advantage over its rival
theory that it has never been scientifically disproven.)
Medical Aspect
Few words
need be wasted on this. An anthology of names and opinions of physicians and
researchers who, explicitly or indirectly, have denied any scientific or
medical validity to vivisection make up the largest part of this book; so the
question can be defined, at least, controversial. But if one considers that all
those who assign validity to the animal model system are people who derive a
morbid satisfaction or a monetary gain from it, the question appears no longer
controversial but understandable. Just a handful of examples:
Tait, the giant of modern surgery (see biography) said:
position of vivisection as a method of scientific research stands alone amongst
the infinite variety of roads for the discovery of Nature's secrets as being
open to strong prima facie objection. No one can urge the slightest
ground of objection against the astronomer, the chemist, the electrician, or
the geologist in their ways of working; and the great commendation of all
other workers is the comparative certainty of their results. But, for the
physiologist, working upon a living animal, there are two strong objections:
that he is violating a strong and widespread public sentiment, and that he
tabulates results of the most uncertain and often quite contradictory
And in
1988, Prof. Robert S. Mendelsohn of
the tendency of doctors to call modern medicine an 'inexact science', it is
more accurate to say there is practically no science in modern medicine at
all. Almost everything doctors do is based on a conjecture, a guess, a clinical
impression, a whim, a hope, a wish, an opinion or a belief. In short,
everything they do is based on anything but solid scientific evidence. Thus, medicine
is not a science at all, but a belief system. Beliefs are held by every religion,
including the Religion of Modern Medicine."
And the
noxious effects of modern medicine, which Prof. Mendelsohn kept denouncing to
mass audiences in books, articles, newsletters, conferences and on TV, were
mostly attributable to what Prof. Croce defines "the false methodology"
of animal research.
Intimidatory Aspect
The uninformed critic might well
ask how the deception of the usefulness of vivisection could be kept alive
within the medical community itself, considering that there has always been a
number of prominent dissenters among them.
Hadwen, one of the most eminent British MDs in the first half of the century
(see biography), explains this phenomenon in the preface of a book he wrote
about one of those dissenting MDs, titled "The Difficulties of Dr. Deguerre".
We quote parts of it, pointing out that the conditions Dr Hadwen describes are
no less true today.
medical man during his student days is taught to think. He is expected to
assimilate the thoughts of others and to bow to authority. Throughout the whole
of his medical career he must accept the current medical fashions of the day or
suffer the loss of prestige and place. No public appointments, no coveted
preferments are open to the medical man who declines to parrot the popular
shibboleths of his profession. His qualifications may be beyond reproach, he
may in himself possess qualities that command respect, but unless prepared to
think and act within the narrow circle of accepted dogmas, he must be prepared
for a more or less isolated path.
public press of today is largely governed by the orthodox rulers in the medical
profession. The ubiquitous 'Medical Correspondent', who draws his inspiration
from the pages of current fashionable medical literature, is expected to supply
only such copy as will gratify the tastes of the mysterious power that stands
supreme behind the editorial chair. The views of the unorthodox are with rare
exceptions refused. So rigid is the control which medical orthodoxy seeks to
exercise over the public mind, that not a word upon health matters, however
important and interesting, is ever allowed to be broadcast by wireless unless
it is approved and sanctioned by the bureaucrats of the Health Ministry.
now and then some new medical 'discovery' is proclaimed with clamorous voice.
The public eye is arrested by commanding headlines in the leading organs of
the public press. The simultaneousness of their appearance and the similarity
of the announcements leave no doubt as to how the whole scheme has been engineered.
It may be a new cancer germ discovery; a new serum, vaccine, or chemical
inoculation; a new theory concerning some old-fashioned disease dressed up in a
new garb; a new outcry against flies, fleas, lice, cockroaches, dogs, cats,
parrots, rats or goats; but, upon reflection, it will always be found that
these 'discoveries' are entirely devoid of originality.
is safe to say that among all these flaming pronouncements no real discovery
has been made, no original medical idea has been promulgated, no permanent
contribution to medical science has been furnished, no advancement in medicine
achieved. The public press has been utilized for the propagation of little else
than medical sensationalism, proved to be such in time, by clinical and
statistical experience.
all the modern claims of medicine are based upon the theories of Jenner and
Pasteur, who have been exalted almost to the position of deities, whose dicta
it is held to be impious to question. Those theories, in spite of a strenuous
and increasing struggle to fix them upon a scientific basis, remain without
medicine's scientific basis may be missing, but its financial profits are
healthy, and anybody who dares jeopardize them is in for trouble, or worse. Who
is "the mysterious power that stands supreme behind the editorial
desk" which Dr Hadwen hints at? The answers stand recorded in at least two
books, Morris Bealle's THE DRUG STORY, first published in the '40s and
reprinted thirty-six times and maybe more since then, although no American
bookstore ever dared handled it, and the writer's NAKED EMPRESS, published
and republished in the '80s.
Sociological Aspect
From the
sociological point of view, man is a herd-animal, highly imitative to boot, as
his fads and fashions show. His gregarious and conventional nature influences
accordingly his psychic attitude or character.
to their general conviction, human beings, with rare exceptions are not
mentally free, they shy away from venturing into independent thought, from
treading unexplored territory; most of all, they are afraid of spurning the
dogmas that have molded them, and of distancing themselves, also intellectually,
from the herd. They feel safer following a leader, some kind of father image,
even without knowing his intimate nature, and not seriously worrying about
where this leader might lead them. The moment individuals join a marching
herd, every thought process ceases. In fact, they feel freer in following some
unknown leader than in having no leader to follow and being obliged to do their
own thinking.
written laws that rule our society in a constitutional state are an integral
part of the system that the people want They are quite happy with those laws,
and they are right. But not always. As happens in the field of science, also in
jurisdiction some laws become obsolete, retrograde, they lag by decades,
sometimes centuries, behind reality, behind the wishes of the majority or the
social and scientific changes and needs. In fact laws are changed constantly,
old ones are superseded by new ones, but this often only happens under great
pressure, which can take on the form of violence and lead even to bloodshed.
Think of all the social unrest of our and past times, some leading to
revolutions and civil wars.
reforms are started by fierce individualists, by heretics, deserters from the
herd, by fearless and therefore always small minorities. The advocates of an
abolition of vivisection on medical grounds, of which a goodly number are
listed in this work, today still represent a minority. But what does it signify?
Wisdom is not found by counting noses. Most of what the whole world now admits
to be true or takes for granted, and most great social reforms which have
proved immensely beneficial were originally advocated by a small, derided
minority - sometimes a minority of one.
The laws
that exist in most so-called civilized countries still permit, at best by
omission, any and every kind of cruelty to animals, if done under the pretext
of medical research, or "science", But since medicine is, by its own
admission, not an exact science, and a science that is not exact is no science
at all, but an oxymoron (a combination of contradictions), the cruelty carried
out on animals is not only unscientific but illegal. And yet, in many
countries, regulations established by the so-called health authorities
actually impose those unscientific, Illegal tests. How is it possible? It is
rendered possible by a fact that the public blissfully ignores, namely that
the same health authorities who imposes those regulations are in the employ of
the drug industry* which prescribes those notoriously unreliable tests on
animals for the very reason that they are unreliable: they provide the
necessary alibi every time a new pharmacological disaster occurs. Very few
people are aware of that. They reason: if there are regulations, they must be
good, in the public interest, like the laws against theft and armed robbery.
* How
Rockefeller’s Drug Trust financed the Board of Education in the beginning of
this century in order to promote the consumption of products from its huge drug
empire, is related in NAKED EMPRESS.
As at this
point in our history vivisection is still being regarded as an integral part
of the order of things by the great majority of the population, it is once more
the dominating herd instinct of the human species that stands in the way, along
with many other important obstacles, to any speedy reform.
Religious Aspect
conviction that man is a supremely rational being is one more delusion in which
the majority please to bask, even though it is a human idiosyncracy to be more
susceptible to demagoguery than logic, more fascinated by fiction than facts,
trusting more the occult than the visible.
The soap
operas on TV command more devoted mass audiences than the goings-on on the
Senate floor, even though the lawmakers' antics will affect the citizens' lives
more substantially than the capers of the screen characters ever will. More
people carry lifelong memories of the fairytales heard in childhood than of the
works of Marx and Einstein, which most of them haven't even read, no matter how
deeply they have transformed the world's social and political structure. And in
1988 the press announced, pretending surprise, that the world's most powerful
individual had been looking to the stars for guidance, to the point that the
intrusions of the astronomer "began to interfere with the normal conduct
of the presidency", as one of Ronald Reagan's former aides (Don Regan)
revealed. However, there was nothing surprising in this. Rulers and conquerors
through the ages have been afflicted by the very same magical dependency from
Adolf Hitler all the way back to the Babylonians and Assyrians.
Some great
men have used this human peculiarity for noble purposes, as have the prophets
and founders of the great religions - Buddha, Moses, Jesus Mohammed. Many have
exploited it to their own personal advantage.
Banking on
magic rather than logic, Modern Medicine, organized by industry-beholden
health authorities along strictly commercial lines, in collusion with the tax
-squeezing governments, has managed to take over the role that formerly
belonged to the Church. The licensed doctors are this new religion's ordained
priests, in whose hands the diffident patients are requested to place their
full purse and blind trust, asking no questions. This has been obtained by
blending facts with fiction so skillfully that not only the lay public but
also many of the participants themselves are often unable to discern between
the two.
people today deliberately ignore, or tolerate with an intimate feeling of
reassurance, the incredible tortures to which animals are subjected in the laboratories
of official science. But in the past, the great majority also regarded witch
burning as a humanitarian activity that only the ignorant would oppose, because
it was not only assured to protect mankind from the devil, but also to benefit
the victim, whose soul was purged and thus saved by the fire.
In the
same vein, the most cruel experiments on animals are foisted today on the
credulous public as a blessing not only for humanity but for the animals
themselves. And this because the belief in the benefit of vivisection as a
corollary to the excellence of modern medicine has been inculcated into the
dense population like a religious dogma, and with the same methods religions
use to proselytize: continuous, systematic repetition of dogmatic claims
unburdened by proofs, beginning in infancy, to the accompaniment of dark
threats to any unbeliever, until the belief becomes a deeply radicated
conviction - a blind faith, unfettered by thought. Freedom from thought is
indeed the inderogable requisite of any faith. Once a faith has been implanted
without the aid of reason, it is very difficult to eradicate it by reasoning:
it has become a superstition.
The Britannica
gives the following definition of Superstition:- "A belief
founded on irrational feelings, especially of fear, and marked by credulity;
also, any rite or practice inspired by that belief. Specifically, a belief in a
religious system regarded (by others than the believer) as without reasonable
support. Credulity regarding, or reverence for, the occult or
It will be
noted that this definition of Superstition applies equally to Religion,
as well as to the belief in the excellence of Modern Medicine.
Thus, when
we speak of the religion of Modern Medicine, we also mean to say the
superstition of Modern Medicine, and the various rites this medicine performs
are closely connected to the financial gain - and power - of its white robed
priests, and more so of the heads of the syndicates, who make up the real power
and take the lion's share of the gains. (See Naked Empress p. 35/36)
vaccination myth is the most widespread superstition modern medicine has
managed to impose, but, being by the same token the most profitable, it will
prove to be also one of the most enduring, though there was never the slightest
shred of scientific evidence upholding it.
Suffice it
to say now that the various epidemics have experienced in all countries the
same natural evolution of growth, decline, and eventual disappearance, whether
vaccination or other therapies had been introduced or not. The only
demonstrable effects were the widespread damages caused by the various
vaccinations, none excluded.
pediatricians we know in Italy and France do not vaccinate their own children,
although they cannot refuse to vaccinate their clients' children, if they want
to retain their union license to practice. In West Germany, Medizinaldirektor
Dr. med. Gerhard Buchwald had first to be shocked into awareness by seeing his
own son turn into a vegetable as a consequence of smallpox vaccination, before
embarking into a worldwide study that eventually led to the abolition of
compulsory vaccination in his country, after he had demonstrated that there
hadn't been a death from smallpox for years, but hundreds of people had died
from the inoculation.
In the
USA, several lawyers have published guidelines for parents on "How To
Legally Avoid Vaccination", and several others have been seeking out vaccination-damaged
patients, and suing the manufacturers of the killer medicament, with such
success that many manufacturers nowadays refuse to produce vaccines unless the
government who imposes them, also insures them against any damage suits; which
many governments refuse to do.
examples, added to many similar experiences by other doctors, in other lands,
are rational arguments, but they only very slowly succeed in changing minds
that have blindly adopted irrational dogmas, unburdened by scientific proofs,
as is the case with all religious dogmas.
So it can
safely be predicted that the advertised belief in the alleged blessings of
vaccination will be among the last deadly rites of Modern Medicine to go,
because it is far too profitable to the medical combine to be allowed to go
without a bitter struggle, of which the beginnings can increasingly be seen
today, but which will certainly drag on into the coming century. It is indeed
so profitable - to Industry and State - that it is incentivated by being
offered, or imposed, in many cases free of charge.
But in
truth, who gets the bill? The taxpayer, of course.
That Modern
Medicine can more rightly be defined as a religion than a science is
demonstrated by the following:
enlightened young patient at Zurich Cantonal Hospital had his torn Achilles
tendon sewn together again and was then ordered to take some pills for several
days. "Why take pills for a sewn- up tendon? Won't they affect my whole
body?" - " Oh, no!" was the white-coated priest's cheerful reply.
"Those pills have a selective effect - only on your tendon!"
That a
doctor in a leading Swiss hospital can make such a statement without fearing
to be laughed at demonstrates to what extent Modern Medicine has succeeded in
passing itself off as a religion, in which the faithful are expected to have
blind faith, rather than a science, which solicits discussions, debates, and
Psychopathic Aspect
Sadism is
a very ugly word, which serves to define a very ugly psychopathy - a mental
disease. Vivisectors have been known to accept with equanimity the allegation
of being money grubbers - of doing cruel experiments only to gain money or a
professorship*. But we have never known a vivisector who bore with equanimity
the allegation of being a sadist. They always reacted to all such allegations
with frothing, like other psychopaths when they are confronted with the nature
of their disorder.
If it is a
mistake to believe that all vivisectors are sadists, it would be another
mistake to believe that sadism is not rampant in the animal laboratories. It
is. In fact, for men and women (more men, as a rule) who are affected by this
grave psychopathy (mental malady), and on top of it are animal haters, what
kind of remunerated occupation could be more gratifying than a job in a vivisection
Julius Hackethal, for example, West Germany's most celebrated surgeon,
confessed in one of his books: "Today I abhor animal experiments. But
there was a time when I performed them, simply because I wanted to become a
Ferdinando de Leo, who has been teaching surgery at the University of Naples,
Italy, for more than half a century, told us that often, at the end of the
first lesson, some student will tug at his sleeve, asking eagerly: "When
do we start working on animals?" However, most of the young students nowadays
don't like, or refuse outright, to work on animals.
psychological problem of sadism has been examined in Slaughter of the
Innocent, and here we want to give some examples of experiments that were
done at the beginning of the century and are still being repeated today, with a
persistence unburdened by reason, which can only be explained as a serious
mental defect. Today, the experiments mentioned by Dr. Hadwen more than half a
century ago are still being performed, again and again, in greatly increased
number and with ever-new "refinements" added, like the previous
removal of particular portions of the brain, or the severing of the spine or
extirpation of various organs; only their senselessness has remained unchanged.
In the 1920's Dr. Hadwen estimated their number at 100,000 - 180,000 per year.
But sixty years later, while a supposedly very restrictive Act was in force,
they had soared to some 5.5 million in Great Britain alone, according to Home
Office figures.
To this,
all the unauthorized experiments should be added which physiologists conduct
privately, and the experiments at the physiology teaching institutes for which
no license is required and therefore go unreported, and then the mass of
military experiments (in Britain at Porton Down, in the USA in many locations
from coast to coast), for which no license is required either, of which no
figures are given, and whose necessity politicians like Margaret Thatcher
passionately invoke.
Below, two
brief reports picked at random from the millions of published yearly
experiments, the majority never even getting published:
the University of Colorado primate laboratory, baby monkeys are stimulated
with 'grief' by removing them from mothers, familiar surroundings, etc., and
their subsequent poor health is monitored by brain implants, etc. This brutality
is funded by $100,000 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Eldridge, D.E. Millborn and T.G. Waldrop of the Departments of Medicine and
Physiology, the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC 27514) subjected
an unspecified number of cats to surgery, removing part of their brains, then
fastening them in treadmills forcing them to walk with electrodes implanted in
what remained of their brains. The animals received no anaesthesia, but some
were dosed with a paralyzing agent like curare. Result: intact animals respond
differently to treadmills."
One of the
propaganda lines of the vivisection community is that experiments on animals
obviate the necessity of experimenting on people. Just the opposite is true,
and that was predicted as far back as 1912, when the German physician Dr.
Wolfgang Bohn wrote in the medical journal, Aerztliche Mitteilungen, (Nr.
7/8): "The constant spread of the vivisectionist method has
achieved but one thing: to increase the scientific torture and murder of human
beings. We can expect this increase to continue, for it would just be the
logical consequence of animal vivisection."
prophetic words were called back to many minds when in 1984 an unqualified
surgeon, Dr. Leonard L. Bailey, with a record in animal experimentation of
more than 300 transplant failures and not a single survival, substituted in the
Loma Linda Medical Center (California) a newborn baby's allegedly defective
heart with the heart of a baboon, excised without a shade of anesthetic, as
surgeons nowadays increasingly do even with human newborns.
All the
leading American press hailed this vivisectionist idiocy as a "historic
breakthrough" and "brilliant feat". Details of this incredible,
but far from isolated aberration, in which human folly vied with human cruelty,
are comprehensively reported in Naked Empress (p. 167-172).
Raved Dr.
Lawrence K. Altman, M.D., in the New York Times, November 6, 1984:
"With every beat the thriving infant makes history...Here is one of the
most exciting and potentially important medical stories in recent times."
Another enthusiast of vivisectionist stolidity, and contributor to several
important American papers, Charles Krauthammer, hyperbolized in Time magazine:
"Baby Fae was a means, a conscripted means, to a noble end."
Obtuseness? The two are oftentimes hard to keep apart. At any rate, it all goes
to show what kind of doctors and news people several generations of
vivisectionist indulgence have produced. The day-to-day reports from Loma Lynda
revealed, to anybody able to "read", that before being released by
merciful death, poor little Baby Fae had to endure for three weeks the very
same insane tortures to which millions of laboratory animals are being
subjected for months and years on end by the laboratory psychopaths. It is
understandable that the mother, who had allegedly given her consent to the
sadistic operation, didn't want her name to be known.
Not only
the intelligence of the experimenters, but also the sensibilities of the public
are being blunted in the course of time through the good offices of such press
agents as Krauthammer and Altman, who keep commending cruel follies, slated for
inevitable failure, as humanitarian achievements and medical
So the Lancet,
Britain's most authoritative medical journal, could report with its usual
professional aloofness in its January 31, 1987 issue that at Oxford's John
Radcliffe Teaching Hospital eight premature babies had been subjected to
open-heart surgery without any anesthesia. The controversy that flared briefly
in a few press organs concerned mainly the question as to whether the babies
had or had not received painkillers during the operation. (Painkillers have no
anesthetizing effect: Aspirin is a "painkiller").
The press
reports also revealed that the controversy about no anesthetics to newborns was
old hat - some surgeons denying anesthesia, under the pretext that the shock
from anesthetics was worse than the shock from pain, other doctors
disagreeing, as usual.
Reported Parade
magazine, USA, April 12, 1987:
have struggled with the problem for years. At a conference of anesthesiologists
held in Palm Springs, California, in 1970, a doctor stated that premature
infants did not need anesthesia, just some adhesive tape to hold them
down." Was that the upshot of 150 years of vivisectionist education and influence?
And now we
come to a recent case in which religion, ignorance, sadism, and psychopathy
intermingle to produce a script which would discredit any fiction writer as
having suddenly turned mad and addle-brained.
On May 9,
1988, Turin's Stampa Sera scooped the entire Italian press with a
front-page story titled: "They are experimenting on dogs the passion of
Christ Doctors and experts want to demonstrate that the Holy Shroud was stained
during Resurrection."
opening sentence on the first page of Slaughter of the Innocent, first
published in Italy in January 1976, ran: "A dog is crucified in order to
study the duration of the agony of Christ.”)
abstract of the aforementioned Stampa Sera article of 1988 reads:
"The President of the National Animal Protection Society (ENPA), Prof.
Antonio Iacoe, has requested the District Attorney of Rome, Dr. Rosario Di
Mauro, to stop an experiment on five dogs in whom the researchers want 'to
reproduce the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.' According to Prof.
Iacoe, the experiment has already begun, and today it should enter its most
significant phase, in 'a location that is being kept secret, but which should
be either in Rome's Gemelli Polyclinic or the Catholic University of the
Sacred Heart The scientific aspect of this experiment is in the hands of two
clinicians of the Catholic University: Prof. Paolo Pola, titular of the Chair
of Angiology [blood vessels], and Dr. Augusto Borzone, of the Institute of
Clinical Surgery.
Mercenary Aspect
Maybe this
single aspect is so strong that it might well sweep away the necessity of
examining all the previous ones.
nature is contradictory, so that we are not only endowed with irrational
feelings or instincts that might land us in some metaphysical impasse, as
happens to the deeply religious, but we can also be rational to the extreme, especially
when it comes to satisfying another characteristic of our nature: the miser's
rapacious inclination, a thirst for riches, which can become addictive and,
once born, seldom stops growing.
Of this,
almost everybody is well aware. But very few realize to what extent their own
minds are constantly being manipulated by the gigantic, venal interests that
mold public opinion and influence the decisions of science at top levels.
As related
in Naked Empress. some 90 percent of commercial advertising, the
wherewithal of the mass media, derive from the petrochemical combine and its
business partners. And the media manipulate public opinion according to the interests
of their main clients. Not so much through the seductive display ads, which
only serve to sell products, but much more determinately through editorials,
articles, reports, even letters-to-the-editor, which serve to sell ideas and to
justify government policies.
Most of
the big petrochemical combines use animals as testing material. Are those
animal tests necessary? Indeed they are, but not for the reasons generally
stated. They don't serve to reveal the dangerousness of the tested products
but, on the contrary, to conceal it.
What if
there were no animals? Then the industry would have to test its products in
some other way, with some scientific method, using human cell cultures, for
example, or any of the other scientific methods available, which would quickly
reveal the products' noxiousness. If such methods had been used, all-encroaching
world pollution would not be what it is today.
The trend
of using animals on a massive scale in medical research was started in America,
by John D. Rockefeller, who had learned from his pappy, a traveling salesman of
snake oil as a sure-fire cancer remedy, the limitless gullibility of the
general public, and how to exploit it. JDR's genius gave him the idea to
involve the government in the profits from the sale of lucrative but deadly
"miracle" drugs, which had constantly to be replaced by new ones,
after the advertised "miracles" had not only failed to materialize
but had furthermore opened big scars, mental and physical ones, in the
nation's health. Exactly how the Rockefeller principle was organised and sold
to all other industrialized countries has been exhaustively described by
Morris Bealle in his Drug Story (1949) and by the writer in Naked
Empress (1982).
To what
extent commercial interests determine the consumption of test animals is shown
by the following: a small country like Switzerland, with only 6.5 million
inhabitants but with a huge pharmaceutical industry, uses more laboratory
animals than all of Soviet Russia with its 270 million inhabitants, but where
nobody can get rich from the sale of drugs.
As a
corollary to this situation, Switzerland has not only the highest consumption
of laboratory animals in the world compared to the population, but is also,
along with the USA, one of the sickest nations. So it was to nobody's surprise
when a 1987 survey showed that Switzerland was world champion also in AIDS
cases, proving once more what only the health authorities profess to ignore:
that modern medicine, thanks to its therapies and medications, has become the
main cause of disease.
Of course,
it would be the animal welfare organisations' task to draw the public's
attention not only to the cruelty of animal testing, but principally to the
damages deriving from a fallacious system of research. But this, most of the organizations
fail to do, being no less infiltrated by commercial interests than the media
and the governments.
There is
indeed nothing easier than to infiltrate an animal protection society. The
wolf always arrives in sheep's clothing, the devil always knocks at the door
flashing smiles and a golden halo of sainthood: so that the overworked,
sometimes underpaid and more often unpaid animal workers in the big societies
will sooner or later be glad to relinquish their post to the genial newcomer,
who seems to have even more enthusiasm and energy and no pecuniary problems.
explains such a phenomenon as that of the largest, richest animal welfare
society in the world, the RSPCA, whose patron is Her Gracious Majesty the
Queen; RSPCA propagandizes the necessity of vivisection, never advertises the
damage deriving to the people from this fallacious method of research, and has
invested most of its huge assets in bonds and stocks of industries that practice
Dr. Irwin
D. Bross (see biography), with long experience in America's cancer research
programs, sheds light on the monetary interests that keep vivisection going, in
the foreword to Brendon Reines' Cancer Research On Animals (1986). Dr.
Bross' considerations apply primarily to the USA, where most vivisection
funding comes from Government sources (taxpayer); in Europe it comes mainly
from industry, which also finances the universities, to insure the support and
loyalty of the faculties. Writes Dr. Bross:
”It has
been historically true in general that 'he who pays the piper calls the tune'.
So what is deemed 'officially true' is what is in line with the sponsor's
policies, not necessarily what is in line with the facts. Moreover,
'authoritative opinion' nearly always supports the policies of its sponsors.
Hence, the decisions in official science are Political decisions that only
masquerade as scientific ones. Those in official science have the illusion
that they are not politically controlled, and at times the public may share
this illusion. Whatever may be said, when the time comes to act, the actions
are in line with the official policies.
for instance, the fact that the National Cancer Institute has spent billions of
dollars on animal experimentation. The myth that such research produced the
main chemotherapeutic drugs supports continuation of this funding. The medical
schools and research facilities of the biomedical establishment that share in
this bonanza are certainly not going to let mere facts interfere with this
lucrative business. So even though the historical facts here show that animal
experiments were worse than useless in selecting clinically effective cancer
chemotherapies - they were consistently misleading - the 'consensus of authorities'
will continue to say just the opposite. They may claim to love the truth, but
when it is a matter of truth versus dollars, they love the dollars more.
way to stop useless and unnecessary animal experimentation is simply to make
it unprofitable: Eliminate the funding by the government agencies or eliminate
the agencies. Reasonable approaches will not work with official -science.
Guidelines or legal limitations by government agencies are made to be evaded.
It is pointless to present factual evidence because it will only be ignored.
Protests by animal welfare and other well-meaning groups are easily put off by
official evasions. Even for official science, however, there is one persuasive
voice: Money talks.
the flow of taxpayer dollars that supports the foolish or cruel or dangerous
practices of official science is cut off, these practices will stop."
Many of
the doctors cited in the following pages have never investigated the subject of
vivisection, and not all demand the immediate abolition of all animal
experimentation in the realm of medical enquiry; many of them do; but all
contribute to the disqualification of the vivisectionist method, nowadays often
called "the animal model system," as being cruel, misleading,
unscientific, and counterproductive.
In April
1987 the first ever International Conference of Doctors Against Vivisection
was held at the Kongresshaus of Zurich, organised
by the Community of Swiss Anti-vivisectionists. MDs from various European
nations convened to denounce vivisection not only as the moral but also as the
scientific and medical aberration that it represents. Swiss doctors were
conspicuous by their absence.
But the success of the meeting was such
that the Swiss Community proposed forthwith the foundation of an International
League of Doctors for the Abolition of Vivisection (ILDAV). The proposal was
received with enthusiastic approval by all the participants at that first
meeting, and within a short time the new league came into being. It was the
very first such organisation to be
founded since the birth of government-endorsed, pseudo-scientific vivisection
and its natural consequence – anti-vivisectionism.
lLDAV is unique in that its members are
composed only of doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, biologists, veterinarians,
and other scientists in medical fields. And that such an international league
should spring into being inside a very Citadel of commercially fostered vivisection
such as Switzerland, was probably no coincidence.
In a
ceremony organised by the Community of Swiss Anti-vivisectionists, lLDAV was
officially inaugurated in Zurich on the 24th of November of the same year, with
Dr. med. Werner Hartinger, German surgeon, acting as President Swiss medical
historian Hans Ruesch, whose works had inspired this unique medical league, was
named as its Honorary President Dr. Werner Hartinger is also President of the
German League of Doctors for the Abolition of Vivisection (founded by the late
Dr. med. Herbert Stiller). Specialist in General and Accident Surgery,
practitioner for the Industrial Injuries Insurance Institutes, with 28 years
experience at the hospitals and in private practice in Waldshut-Tiengen, West
Germany, Dr. Hartinger had been debunking many times in conferences,
interviews, articles and pamphlets the vivisectors' self-serving myth that
practice on animals is a prerequisite for surgical ability and competence.
Dr. Hartinger explains, the very opposite holds true: practice on animals can
only mislead the surgeon, a view shared by the majority of his colleagues, of
whom some of the most noted are cited in this collection - from France's
Desjardins to Italy's De Leo to Austria's Hyrtl to Mexico's Herrejon to
Britain's Tait to America's Bigelow.
Dr. Werner
Hartinger, M.D., surgeon in West Germany:
claim, frequently heard, that animal experimentation is vital for the training
of surgeons and that practice on living animals is necessary to gain manual
and operating skills cannot be left unchallenged. A surgeon acquires his basic
knowledge by observing and then assisting his teacher. In time, according to
his experience, ability and manual dexterity he participates in supervised
operating duties, until the surgeon responsible for his training decides as to
when he can start operating on his own. Specialised knowledge of microsurgery
is gained in the same way, just as working at the surgical microscope does not
call for operating on animals.
“The same
goes for transplant surgery. The operation itself presents no technical
difficulties. The outcome of the operation only becomes problematical through
the more or less pronounced intolerance of the transplant, which often leads to
rejection. The risk, however, can in no way be evaluated on a comparative
basis via animals.
As to the
effects and tolerability of foreign substances (drugs, toxins etc.) in the
human organism, numerous researchers of all disciplines have repeatedly
pointed out that in this field also no adequate information can be obtained
from experimenting on animals. There are, in fact, only two categories of
doctors and scientists who are not opposed to vivisection: those who don't know
enough about it, and those who make money from it."
Dr Vernon
Coleman, M.D., one of Britain's most popular medical journalists and TV
personality (see biography):
"Ever since the days of Galen, who put back the study
of anatomy several hundred years by basing his conclusions on his experience
dissecting pigs, practising doctors have been aware that animals are so
different from humans - anatomically and physiologically - that the results
obtained from experiments on animals are pointless. Only really second-rate
scientists still believe that such experiments are worthwhile. But, sadly, the
scientists who use animals are just that - universally second rate. We suffer
from different diseases and we respond in different ways to drugs. Using
animals to 'try out' products intended for humans is at best useless and at
worst - as with Thalidomide - dangerously misleading," (From the 24-page
long speech that Dr Coleman submitted to ILDAV to be delivered at the
International Scientific Conference held at the Mutualite in Paris on June 19,
Andre Passebecq, M.D., N.D., D.Psy., of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, 13th
District, at the ILDAV conference of June 19, 1989 in Paris, after he had been
elected as the new President of ILDAV:
has developed awesome weapons of destruction, capable of annihilating our
entire planet at the push of a button. But there are also other kinds of
destruction. Vivisection is one of them. It causes not only severe damages in
the biological area, but also untold spiritual damages.
on animals lead inevitably to experiments on people. They are senseless, one
and all. As if an animal test could ever predict the same result on a person.
And as if an experiment on one human being could enable us to foresee the
reactions of another human being, whose biology and metabolism are different,
whose blood pressure is different, whose lifestyle and age and nourishment and
sensitivity and genes and everything else are different.
“If we
adopt a correct medical concept, based on an understanding of the vital
requirements of the cells; if we understand the sense and purpose of the organism's
natural reactions, then we renounce all animal experimentation. Then we
recognize that each single organism, whether human or animal, has its very own
reactions; that it responds in its own particular, individual way to the stimuli
and attacks from the environment, that it disposes of peculiar faculties of
defense and regeneration and self-healing powers.
understand that some animal protectors advocate the adoption of computers,
data banks, tests with cells and tissue cultures as substitute methods of research
in order to reduce the number of experimental animals. But this is no solution.
It would only reduce the amount of human and animal suffering unsubstantially,
and would not put a legal halt to the experimenters' sadism, whose persistence
no amount of official concealment and media complicity can eliminate.
orthodox medicine and suppressive surgery don't understand the purpose of
disease and therefore don't know how to treat it. A real doctor's experience
derives from his natural intuition coupled with his observation at the sickbed,
but never from invasive, violent experiments on people, and much less on
animals. But instead of vital hygiene, which aims at preservation or reconstruction
of health by natural means and shuns all use of degrading, destructive
chemicals, today's medical students are only taught to manipulate poisons and
mutilate bodies. We demand that this be changed.”
January-February 1989 Newsletter of the Washington, D.C., based Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine cited several doctors who denounced the
dangerous fallaciousness of vivisection, when a University of Cincinnati head
trauma "study" involving cats became known. The objections included
the following three:
of] the reported changes in cats have been known to occur in humans for about
20 years. The papers [describing the cat experiments] I reviewed seem to
contain little, if any, new information."
- Roy Selby, M.D.
cat is a poor experimental model for head injury because of its distinctness
from the human." - Michael Sukoff, M.D., F.A.C.S.
is only from human studies, both pathological (using autopsy material) and
carefully controlled, prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trials,
that we will ultimately progress in our ability to treat victims of head
trauma." - Josh Novic, MD.
From a
1989 article by Neal Barnard, M.D., chairman of Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C.:
the artificial heart. There are many researchers who now wish it had never been
invented. After tremendous expenditures of tax dollars (and reasonable success
in animal tests), the plastic heart led to infections, bleeding, and other
serious complications when it was used in human patients. The National
Institutes of Health (NIH) wisely chose to cut off funds for this seemingly
dead-end research last summer, but politicians - Senators from
financially-interested states - forced them to restore funds by threatening to
hold up approval of all NIH appropriations.
“A key
part of research in this area involves the clotting mechanism. The artificial
heart acts as a foreign body that can set off the clotting process. And blood
clots can be fatal; they can plug an artery and lead to sudden death. But when
medicines are given to prevent clotting, there is always the risk of uncontrollable
Scott, C.F. Appropriate animal models for research on blood in contact with
artificial surfaces. Annals NY Academy of Science. 1987, 516:636-37;
Scott, CF. To the editor, The Physiologist, 1988, 31(3): 53.
The number
of American doctors who have decided at long last to endorse the CIVIS policy
of denouncing vivisection not only, as hitherto, on ethical grounds
exclusively, but also and pre-eminently on medical grounds has been gaining
momentum. A Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded in
1984 in Washington, D.C., issued in 1988 a Declaration of Concern and
Support, which demanded the replacement of two among the most widely used
animal tests - the eye-irritancy Draize test and the LD50 test for toxicity -
with scientifically sounder and more humane methods. The Declaration was
subscribed not only by countless lay personalities but also by many prominent
members of the medical profession, including the following:
Neal D.
Barnard, M.D., Psychiatrist; Carlo Buonomo, M.D., Anesthesiologist; Michael
Klaper, M.D., General Practitioner; Richard M. Carlton, M.D., Psychiatrist;
Murry J. Cohen, M.D., Psychiatrist; Donald E. Doyle, M.D., Surgeon; Stephen R.
Kaufman, M.D., Ophthalmologist; James F. Grillo, M.D., Surgeon; Dallas Pratt,
M.D., Psychiatrist; Kenneth P. Stoller, M.D., Pediatrician; Ulrich Fritzsche,
M.D., Obstetrician/gynecologist; Daniel H. Siver, M.D., Internal Medicine;
Herbert N. Gundersheimer, M.D., Internal Medicine; J. Herbert Fill, M.D.,
General Practitioner; Larry F. Kron, M.D., Psychiatrist; Richard S. Blinstrub,
M.D., Dermatologist; Russel J. Bunai, M.D., Pediatrician; Donald C. Doll, M.D.,
Oncologist; Waiter Nowak, M.D., Hematologist; Herbert M. Simonson, M.D.,
Orthopedic Surgeon; Steven Tiger, Physician's Assistant Certified; Nedim
Buyukmihci, V.M.D.
following declarations were singled out:
Kaufman, M.D., New York: "As an ophthalmologist in the New York University
I am surprised that the Draize eye irritation test is done at all...I know of
no case in which an ophthalmologist found Draize data useful."
D. Smith, Long Beach, California: "The results of these [animal] tests
cannot be used to predict toxicity or to guide therapy in human exposure."
Davis, M.D., Columbia, Maryland: "The result of these tests are of no use
to physicians."
Gundersheimer, M.D., Baltimore, Maryland: "Results from animal tests are
not transferable between species, and therefore cannot guarantee product
safety for humans...In reality these tests do not provide protection for
consumers from unsafe products, but rather are used to protect corporations
from legal liability. "
Michael, M.D., Beverly Shores, Indiana: "The data produced by these tests
don't keep harmful products from being sold."
Kislak, D.V.M., Sherman Oaks, California: "After intensive study of the
issue, I am convinced that the Draize eye irritancy and the Lethal Dose 50
tests are inaccurate, unreliable, costly and cruel to the animals. Moreover,
the tests deceive the very consumers whom they are supposed to protect, by
certifying as safe household products and cosmetics that cause nearly 200,000
hospital-recorded poisonous exposures annually."
Joel D.
Mack, M.D., F.A.C.S., Bakersfield, California: "It has been shown on many
occasions that the LD 50 test is misleading."
Neill. S.
Barber, M.D., Marshfield Hills, Massachusetts: "As a board-certified
emergency medicine physician who has been practicing for ten years, I have
never found data from acute toxicity or eye irritancy tests on animals to be
useful in treating patients. I would not rely on these data to treat patients,
and I know of no physician who does."
Nowak, M.D., Worcester, Massachusetts: "I have never used the results of
these tests to diagnose or treat patients. I find no justification for the
continued use of these cruel tests."
Greenwold, M.D., Newtonville, Massachusetts: "The Draize test and the LD
50 acute toxicity test are as useless to the protection and treatment of
humans as they are barbaric."
Carlo Buonomo,
M.D., Baltimore, Maryland: "There is to my knowledge no area of science
outside of commercial toxicology in which so many important decisions are
based on data derived from tests which are so crude and imprecise."
Donald C.
Doll, M.D., Columbia, Missouri: "As a practicing physician who is board
certified in internal medicine and oncology, I can find no evidence that the
Draize test, LD 50 test, or any other tests using animals to support the
'safety' of chemicals and cosmetics have any relevance to the human species...I
strongly support legislation that prohibits the use of such animal tests by
Applestein, M.D., Baltimore, Maryland: "Review of the current scientific
literature has shown that extrapolation of animal data in terms of human
responses is not reliable. "
G. Karlin
Michelson, M.D., Los Angeles, CA: "The continued use of these archaic
tests is simply not justified. Exploitation and the infliction of suffering is
morally objectionable, particularly when the actions serve no purpose, as in
the case of current product testing methods. "
Silidker, M.D., and Helen Silidker, R.N., W.Orange, New Jersey: "As
members of the medical community, we are well aware of the advanced technology
available in numerous in-vitro testing techniques. When alternatives are
already well developed and widely available, how can we justify brutally cruel
tests such as the Draize and the anachronistic LD 50?"
Iffy, M.D., Summit, New Jersey: "Legislation to modernize consumer product
testing methods is long overdue. Current safety testing procedures on animals
are not only out-of-date and extremely cruel, but they are also inadequate to
protect consumers from unsafe products. "
Robert W.
Bensel, M.D., M.P.H., St. Paul, Minnesota: "The use of non-animal models
is long overdue."
Chairman, Neal D. Barnard, M.D., added a personal note to his colleagues'
quotations: "Please let me tell you about my own personal experiences as a
physician. I have witnessed first-hand how medical research and training
subject a wide variety of animals to cruel, even sadistic treatment. And I
regret to say that what I have seen occurs in medical schools and research
laboratories all across the country. "
Dr. Roy
Kupsinel, M.D., graduated from Tufts University, Medford, Mass. in 1949, and
University of Miami School of Medicine in 1959. After 14 years in medical
practice, he went into writing and publishing an holistic magazine in Orlando,
Florida, and his many articles and publications include Vivisection - Science
or Sham (1988), in which he says:
am I against vivisection? The most important reason is because it's bad
science, producing a lot of misleading and confusing data which pose hazards to
human health. It's also a waste of the taxpayer's dollars to take healthy
animals and artificially and violently induce diseases in them that they
normally wouldn't get, or which occur in different form, when we already have
the sick people who can be studied while they're being treated."
One more
opinion by a medical expert that AIDS was created in animal laboratories
(Excerpts from an article in the Mid-Devon Advertiser incorporating Mid-Devon
Times, Dec. 2, 1988):
" A
preventative vaccine for AIDS is unlikely to be found, a leading world expert
on the disease told this newspaper in an exclusive interview this week…In the
paper, Crossing the Species Barrier, which he was presenting yesterday
in London, Dr Seale stressed that most viruses that affected one species did
not affect another species. Dogs did not have cat diseases, and vice versa. The
fact that the AIDS virus has such a structure is indicative to Dr Seale that it
is not a natural virus, but one induced artificially in the laboratory, perhaps
accidentally, by biologists using new techniques in virology, in which monkeys
are used...'It could not have happened naturally', Dr Seale said. 'It has been
artificially altered'."
Christian Cabrol, the leading heart transplant surgeon of France, author of My
First 400 Transplants, declared in a popular TV program, "Le
Duel", Channel 5, "La Cinq", on October 20, 1988: "I agree
with you, Mr Ruesch, I am against vivisection."
On March
7, 1988 Italy's leading daily, Corriere della Sera, published an article
about a conference held in the center of Milan, titled "Still another condemnation
of Vivisection" and including the following: "Prof. Pietro Croce,
pathologist, asserted that it is absolutely necessary not to be content with
demanding merely a regulation of animal experiments but their total abolition,
and Prof. Fedi said that he agrees with this view and that such an abolition
would bring great benefits to human health." (See biography)
is usually simple. Yet the AIDS virus theory has entered a realm of scientific
obfuscation. Our addiction to animal research provides us with faulty
information about AIDS and drugs intended for humans, who differ
physiologically from other species. (Emphasis supplied.)" - Laurence E.
Badgley, M.D., July 1988, in his Foreword to AIDS, Inc., by John Rappoport,
Human Energy Press. San Bruno, CA.
"As a
chiropractor and a strong believer of the human body's innate healing ability,
I want to see the abolition of vivisection in the interest of human health so
that we may put emphasis on Prevention, where it belongs." - Dr Ernest P.
Miron, in CIVITAS Newsletter, Summer 1988.
State News on TV on May 30, 1988: "The use of Accutane, a Hoffmann-La
Roche product, has caused hundreds of defective births. The packages containing
this drug will henceforth have to display the picture of a malformed
newborn." CIVIS: Accutane had of course also been considered safe
following extensive animal testing.
is difficult to understand what perpetuates attempts at carcinogen identification
using species to species...Not only do variations in metabolism of a drug make
it difficult to extrapolate results of animal experiments to man, but they
create a serious obstacle to the development of new therapeutic agents..."
From an article in the Journal of the American Association For Science and
Public Policy of March, 1988, by Melinda Calleia, Chairman of the Board.
For more
than 200 years orthodox medicine has been unable to free itself from its
obsession with the animal models system in cancer research, with the result
that cancer has been increasing steadily from year to year, that billions of
animals have been tortured to death in vain, and that no other "cure"
for cancer has been officially devised than the cut-burn-poison method
currently in use, which usually kills the patient sooner than the cancer would.
Ernst T.
Krebs, Jr., a prominent biochemist from San Francisco, co-discoverer of
vitamin B-17 (commonly called 'Laetril'), and discoverer of vitamin B-15
(pangamic acid), speaking before a seminar in Newark, New Jersey, in 1988,
and radiotherapy will make the ancient method of drilling holes in a patient's
head to permit the escape of demons, look relatively advanced....Toxic
chemotherapy is a hoax. The doctors who use it are guilty of premeditated
murder; and the use of cobalt and other methods of cancer treatment popular
today effectively closes the door on cure."
In written
testimony before the state Department of Health Services, which was reviewing
U.S. Surgical's practices, Dr. Roger Thrall, director of pulmonary research at
the University of Connecticut's Health Center, encouraged the "immediate
cessation" of U.S. Surgical's sales training on dogs. Dr. Alfred Cohen,
chief of colorectal services in the Dept. of Surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center and associate professor at Cornell Medical School, claims the
U.S. Surgical dog labs are "unnecessary, cruel, and ultimately not in the
best interests of human health care." Dr. Cohen, who uses the company's
products "in quantity", has never attended a dog lab, nor operated on
a dog in his career. "Dogs are not the flight simulators of the surgical
world and the argument that surgeons must first practice on dogs is
fallacious," he says. "Surgeons learn by observing other surgeons
and by being supervised doing the actual procedure on humans." U.S.
Surgical Corporation, 1988.
Donald J.
Barnes, a graduate of Ohio State University, after working for over 15 years on
classified chemical and laser warfare research at the Brooks Air Force Base in
San Antonio, Texas, quit his job in disgust in 1980. At this point, he decided
that the only thing he could decently do to atone for the cruel nonsense he had
been misled to participate in was to join the abolitionists' ranks. In USA
Today of April 25, 1988 he wrote under the heading "Animal Research is
reading your editorial, ‘Animal research is needed; don't ban it,' for the
fourth time, I cannot force myself to believe it was written by one of your
regular editors. You adamantly state that animal research is
"necessary" for human health, justifying this position with reams of
drivel churned out by those who profit from the perpetuation of such research.
To be
perfectly fair, I admit to sharing many of your views only a few years ago when
I was involved in laboratory research with non-human primates, a profession
which I had dutifully followed for almost 16 years. I was wrong, as you are
wrong. The real "facts" demonstrate clearly that the use of non-human
animals in medical and biomedical research retards rather than advances the
progress of medical science."
On April
15/16/17, 1988, organized by the Netherlands' Anti-Vivisectie Stichting, the
third Symposium of the ILDAV (International League of Doctors Against
Vivisection), presided over by its Honorary President, Medical Historian Hans
Ruesch of Switzerland, took place at Woudschoten, Holland, near the University
of Utrecht. We cite briefly from four of the many speeches:
Dr. med.
Werner Hartinger, surgeon, West Germany, President of ILDAV: "Vivisection
is barbaric, useless, and a hindrance to scientific progress. "
Prof. Dr.
Pietro Croce, M.D., pathologist, Italy, Vice-President of ILDAV (see
biography): "Atrocious medical
experiments are being made on children, mostly physically and mentally
handicapped ones, and on aborted fetuses, given or sold to the laboratories for
experimental purposes. This is a logical development of the practice of
vivisection. It is our urgent task to accelerate its inevitable downfall."
Dr. med.
Gerhard Buchwald, West Germany, specialist of internal diseases and
participant in about 150 trials of vaccination victims: "Vaccination is
not necessary, not useful, does not protect There are twice as many casualties
from vaccination as from AIDS."
Seale, M.D., world renowned specialist in venereal diseases and AIDS in Great
Britain, explained in a long conference (parts of which he had previously
published in London's Sunday Express in 1986), how AIDS was inadvertently
created in the vivisection laboratories. He thus confirmed what French Dr.
Gustave Mathieu had already announced in the summer of 1985, and what West
Germany's Dr. med. Holger Strohm had reconfirmed in books, articles and
conferences up to 1988. AIDS is a product of the animal laboratories.
January 1988 issue of the American A V journal published the following
opinions of mental health professionals and scientists on learning that the
University of California Berkeley was planning a new Northwest Animal Facility
Center for cruel psychological experiments, which would cost the taxpayers
another $14 million:
these experiments will continue in a self-proliferating manner until they are
curtailed by brave and innovative decisions on the part of people in positions
of authority who have the courage to declare openly that the emperor has no
clothes and that it is time to stop wasting money and animal lives on the
pretense that manipulating several variables in rats, dogs, cats or monkeys has
anything to do with human psychology." - Murry Cohen, M.D.
cannot recall a single instance where my clinical judgment was even remotely
influenced by the results of a psychological study using animals as subjects
or "models". In view of what I perceive to be the complete
irrelevance of the often cruel experiments inflicted upon innocent animals, I
wish to go on record in calling for the termination of the use of non-human
animals in psychological experimentation." - Michael Klaper, M.D.
increasing number of clinicians realize that psychological animal experimentation
is both unscientific and ethically bankrupt. I am among them. What do we really
learn by separating infant macaques from their mothers? Does blinding a kitten
teach us anything about human behavior? There is no human payoff from ablating
the brains of cats, monkeys, squirrels or mice. " - Wayne Johnson, Ph. D.
"I am
appalled and deeply embarrassed by the research performed by my colleagues, and
by the substantiation they present for it. Neither the research that they do,
nor the case they make for it reflects wisdom. Instead, they become typified as
opportunists." - Jeri Ryan, Ph. D.
only are the studies themselves often lacking even face value, but they also
drain badly needed funds away from patient care needs." - Neal D. Barnard,
animal has yet contracted AIDS after being given HIV in a laboratory." -
Prof. Peter Duesberg, Biologist, Ca., from Royal Society of Medicine
Newsletter, Spring 1988.
Donald J. Barnes, after experimenting on rhesus monkeys for 16 years at Brooks
Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, revealed to the Globe, a tabloid
from Rouses Point, N.Y., May 27, 1980, how he had to blind and mercilessly
torture by laser death rays and shock generators the animals in his charge.
What for? In a letter to Hans Ruesch of December 31, 1987, Barnes wrote:
important, I agree with your position re the utter uselessness of vivisection.
When I first left the laboratory, I remained skeptical, stating, "there
are some good experiments to be sure, but the majority are worthless", or
words to that effect. Now after years of looking for those "good"
experiments, I have long since concluded that they do not exist. But I had to
do the looking myself. I was simply too conditioned to the "Party
Line" to accept anyone's word for this."
From the
article "The Basic Anatomical Element: Bechamp's Microzyma" by Dr.
Glen Dettman, AMM, BA, PhD and Archie Kalokerinos, MD, in Health
Consciousness, Oviedo, Fl., Oct 1986: "It is pathetic and ludicrous to
say we vanquished smallpox with vaccines when only 10% of the population were
ever vaccinated."
Moneim A.
Fadali M. D., Cardiac/Thoracic Surgeon, UCLA Faculty, Board of Directors, Royal
College of Surgeons of Cardiology, Canada, UCLA Clinical Staff, as reported by
Fur 'n’ feathers, October 1987: "Animal models differ from their human
counterparts. Conclusions drawn from animal research, when applied to human
disease, are likely to a delay progress, mislead and do harm to the patient.”
Gianni Tamino, biologist, Padua University, a Congressman in the Italian
Parliament, in Gazzettino, Venice, Oct 8, 1987:
growing opposition to vivisection is understandable both on ethical and
biological counts. However, a certain scientistic culture says they serve to
save human lives. But reality is quite the opposite. Let's take the case of the
pesticides. These dangerous products, used in agriculture, are classified
according to their acute toxicity, graduated with the LD tests. This represents
not only a useless sacrifice of animals, but it's an alibi that enables the
chemical industry to sell products which are classified as harmless or almost,
but are in reality very harmful in the long run, even if taken in very small
doses. Many pesticides classified as belonging to the fourth category, (meaning
they can be sold and used freely) have turned out to be carcinogenic or
mutagenic or capable of harming the fetus. Also in this case, animal tests are
not only ambiguous, but they serve to put on the market some products of which
any carcinogenic effect will be ascertained only when used by human beings -
the real guinea-pigs of the multinationals. And yet there are laboratory tests
that can be used, and are cheaper and quicker, than animal tests, 'in vitro'
tests on cell cultures or bacteria, which have been proving their worth for
years already. But the interests of the chemical industries which foist on us
new products in all fields may not be questioned."
progressive animal welfare society Newsletter, issue 7,
Oct. 1987: "Primate alcohol
studies: one physician's view.
(1) Dr. Ulrich Fritzsche, M.D., board
certified, has been practicing Obstetrics and Gynecology in Seattle for nearly
20 years. In the course of his profession, Dr. Fritzsche is called upon to
advise pregnant women on alcohol consumption.
1973, more than 3,000 scientific papers have been published on the topic of
alcohol's effect on pregnancy. When formulating my advice to patients who drink
alcohol, I rely upon those studies which have examined the best 'model' we
have: humans.
is a psychosocial problem. If given a choice, non-human animals will not
consume alcohol regardless of how much they have been forced to consume
previously. Unfortunately, humans are quite different in this respect. This
very basic discrepancy is just one of the factors that make me distrustful of
animal alcohol studies. I personally think the sacrifice of pets to
demonstrate the effect of drugs is barbaric, but then I would be accused of
being emotional, which is not the case at all.
anatomy is learned from working with healthy tissues; and for that reason, a
lab can use dogs which have been put to sleep by the kennels. They do not need
to anesthetize live dogs and dissect them. I do not see the necessity, nor
advantage, to using dog labs."
(2) Robert
Ruby, MD, Moses Lake:
(3) Gary
B. Spector, MD, Seattle:
"As a
medical student at the University of Michigan Medical School, I was instructed
in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and tracheotomy insertion using live and,
until we got hold of them, healthy dogs. At the time, I was empathetic to the
animals, but I thought that this must be necessary for a medical education. I
can still remember the dogs whimpering because, as students, we didn't know how
much anesthetic was appropriate. Since that time I have, with experience,
realized that there was no need whatsoever for this type of instruction. Today
even more than when I went to school, it is not necessary or even advantageous.
recently completed an intense two day cardiac resuscitation course provided by
Children's Hospital which used mannequins and sophisticated computer
instruction. These were more realistic and more educational than the dog
models. Surgical incision of the trachea can best be taught to the student by
one skilled in the procedure at the time when it is either emergently or
electively indicated. There are ample opportunities to learn this prior to
leaving one's training."
(4) Tom Giduz, MD, Carrboro,
North Carolina:
you talk to med students about dog labs, some of them will say 'This is
disgusting'. And those are, really, the more enlightened students. But a lot of
them will like the dog labs, and there's a reason for it.
“As a
first or second year student, you're not qualified to do anything on people, so
they let you do anything on 'animals'. And, "Gee Whiz, I get to cut open this
dog's chest and watch its heart beat right there beneath my hand.
that's not the way you learn surgery. You learn surgery operating on people,
and it's a pain in the ass way to do it. You have to stand there a whole lot;
it's no fun. Surgery residencies are five or six years, because you have to do
the same thing over and over again before you learn what you're doing."
(From Paws News)
In its
July/August 1987 issue, Animals' Agenda reported an extensive interview
conducted by Allan Bullington with Dr. Michael Grant, former vivisector and
Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Bridgeport. The interview had
recently been aired on "Animal Rights Forum", airing weekly on cable
in New York City and many other venues, including Detroit, Michigan and
Seattle, Washington. Host Bullington asked: "What do you feel you achieved
on your research endeavors?"
Dr. Grant
answered: "As a result of eight to ten years of laboratory research I can
honestly say that there was no proof of anything of more than trivial
significance. I know that my colleagues will not be very happy to hear
The British
Encyclopedia defines "trivial" as meaning:
1. Of
little value or importance; trifling; insignificant.
2. Such as
found everywhere or every day; ordinary; commonplace.
Occupied with trifles; of low ability or wit; unscholarly.
It is
worth noting that were Aspirin to be invented now "it would most probably
not be licensed for use in humans because it causes birth defects in rats,
mice, monkeys, guinea-pigs, cats and dogs. But not in humans."
Mr Bingham
reported that the Public Health Laboratory Service recently admitted that
almost half the cases of polio in Britain are caused by the vaccine itself! He
pointed out that 39 chemicals are known to cause cancer in humans, but only 13
trigger cancer in laboratory animals, thus proving that vivisection is a poor
test for such experiments. (From an article by Tony Ortzen, "From Here to
Beyond", in Psychic News, London, July 11, 1987.)
Dr. J. E.
R. McDonagh, FRCS, bacteriologist, in Outrage. June/July 1987:
"Immunization with an attenuated virus cannot prevent distemper. The
author has treated many dogs which have developed distemper despite two or
three injections of the preventative agent... He is of the opinion that fits,
chorea, hysteria, etc., in dogs have become more frequent since the use of
distemper vaccine. Successful prevention will never be achieved by
are made from: mucus of infected children (whooping cough), excrement from
typhoid victims (typhoid), fermented chick embryos, and until recently,
vaccines for polio were got from the diseased kidneys of monkeys, and cause:
leukemia, encephalitis, MS - Multiple Sclerosis - and: "Now I believe the
smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS".
World Health Organization, advisor, Times 11.5.87.
with all other medical drugs, vaccines are falsely 'tested' on animals in the
vivisection laboratories. It is impossible to predict what a drug will do to humans
from animal experiments.
is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of
well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly, and that their
lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence. " -
Gordon Stewart, Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow, 1980,
commenting on the deadly effects of whooping cough vaccine.
Dr. med.
Bernhard Rambeck, since 1975 director of the Biochemistry Department of the
Society for Epilepsy Research in Bielefeld-Bethel, West Germany: From his
speech at International Symposium of April 25, 1987, Zurich:
research has shown us how we can induce fits of an epileptic semblance in
rats, cats and monkeys through the administration of poisons or electric
shocks, but the epileptic patient has his convulsions spontaneously, and not as
a result of poisons or electric shocks...Every new medicament is a risk, and
this risk cannot be reduced by no matter how many animal tests...As a
scientist, I am of the opinion that animal experiments bring no progress in the
diagnosis and therapy of epilepsies. I have a well-founded suspicion that similar
facts apply in other areas of medicine."
Dr. Robert
S. Mendelsohn, on Toronto, Canada's CFRB station, April 10, 1987: "When I
was a medical student we went into the physiology and the pharmacology laboratories
and did animal experiments which we knew were worthless and the teachers knew
were worthless, but we had to go through that ritual."
The April,
1987 issue of Fur ‘n’ Feathers, a monthly based in Burbank, California,
evoked a number of doctors, past and present, who were opposed to vivisection.
Here below, we quote a few:
Dr. Pierre
Jeandidier, Ex Chief of Dermatological Clinic of the Faculty, 127 Saint Didier
Street, Nancy, France - April 1964: "There are no arguments or
considerations that could justify all the pain inflicted on all those
unfortunate defenseless animals, and it is not much to say that such practices
are entirely inhuman, if reference to man has as yet weight on the moral plane.
The state owes it to itself to condemn them unequivocally and without
A. Maignien-Courard, Ophthalmologist, 16 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Street, Nantes,
France - Clinique de L' Esprance - Feb. 6, 1964: "I am totally opposed to
vivisection and experiments on animals, and have always recognized their
cruelty and uselessness."
Raymond Lefevre, Professor of the School of Medicine, Director of the Regional
Anti-Cancer Center, 50 Boulevard Lundy, Reims, France - March 27,1964:
"The utility of vivisection does not seem to me to be fully determined.
Such products tried out on animals produce results ineffective in man."
Frederic Benoit, Surgeon of the Maternity Hospital, Wassy, France April 1,
1964: "It is nonsense to believe that vivisectional experiments are
necessary or useful for scientific progress: circumstances of vivisection are
too arbitrary to have real interest, and the animals cannot be identical.”
Dr. Albert
Poret, 6 Dufrency Street, Trocadero, Paris 10, France: "We demand, not
regulation, but abolition of these cruelties (vivisection) which are being
practiced in the name of science."
Dr. B.
Ossipovski, Formely Interne of the Hospital of Paris, Chief of Clinical
Medicine of the Faculty, Chief of the Saint Louis Hospital, 74 Villiers Avenue,
Mac-Mahon, France: "My accord, my assistance are yours concerning the
terrible practice of maniacs and neo-scientists. Men believe they are able to
acquire physiological results by torturing animals and formulating theoretical
deductions which, in most cases, have revealed themselves absolutely
Dr. Eugene
Lob, Faculty of Paris, General Medicine & Diseases of the Eyes, Wasigny,
France (Ardennes): "I have the honor to enclose herewith a certificate
against vivisection...cruel and useless."
Marie-Louise Griboval, Paris, France: "I am against vivisection because it
is immoral and completely useless for the progress of human medicine. Animals
have a physiology and reactions quite different from ours. I am of the opinion
that all experiments on live animals should be abolished because they only lead
us into error."
data in a recent article by John Bailar in The New England Journal of
Medicine shows that the total failure of the National Cancer Institute
'Conquest of Cancer' program resulted in more than 30,000 additional deaths
from cancer last year!" (From an article by Dr. Irwin Bross in the Animals'
Agenda, March 1987). CIVIS comment: Practically the entire cancer program
was based on animal experimentation - by which only the experimenters, and not
the patients, profited.
An article
by reporter Barbara Bouyet in Fur ‘n’ Feathers cites in its March 1987
issue Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University as saying: "Immunization
programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio, etc., actually may be seeding
humans with RNA to form pro-viruses...which under proper conditions become
activated and cause a variety of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus,
Parkinson's disease and cancer. Spare me this 'medical miracle'."
From The
Alliance News, Journal of Alliance for Animals, January 1987, Vol. 4, Nr.
1: "According to Dr. A.R. Mead, an official in the Cancer Institute's Drug
Development Division: 'The live mouse screen is just not producing action
against the major tumors.'”
“The new
system, devised to replace the live mouse screening technique, consists of the
testing of compounds against more than a hundred different strains of human
cancer cells growing in test tubes. Officials expect that this new non-animal
testing system will determine more quickly and more accurately which chemicals
might make useful anticancer drugs. The new screening system is speculated to
be "more sensitive" and capable of pinpointing drugs that act against
specific types of cancer...Drugs "that would have been dismissed as
useless" by the traditional animal screening process.
“While it
would seem obvious to the lay observer that a test performed directly on hundreds
of different strains of human cancer cells is superior to testing
on mice with one specific form of animal leukemia, the research
community, along with the funding institutions who support them, are often so
firmly entrenched in the traditional animal research system that such logic is
not recognized, and researchers are often reluctant to pursue non-animal
arthritis drug Opren was withdrawn in 1982 after 3,500 reports of side effects
including 61 deaths, mainly through liver damage in the elderly. According to
an investigation by Granada TV's 'World in Action' programme, Eli Lilly
insisted that they had no reason to think Opren would cause any particular
problem for the elderly before they launched the drug. Prolonged tests in
rhesus monkeys (the species usually considered closest to us), in which the animals
received up to seven times the maximum tolerated human dose for a year,
revealed no evidence of toxicity. Nor apparently had animal tests given any
warning of the photosensitive skin reactions that were to bedevil patients during
the drug's brief 22-month history.’ (From 'World in Action', Granada Television
(GB), 9 November 1987.)
A recent
book out in Great Britain, Vaccination and Immunization: Dangers, Delusions
and Alternatives (C.W. Daniel, 1987) by Leon Chaitow, one of the world's
best informed practitioners of natural medicines, includes up-to-date evidence
against vaccination from vaccine researchers themselves, like the fact that
even Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the "killed" polio vaccine that
bears his name, cannot agree with his rival Dr. Alfred Sabin on the merits of
"live" and "killed" vaccine, and each one accuses the other
of being responsible for uncounted deaths among the gullible patients.
How can
there be such varying views? First, vaccination programs and antibiotics have
mistakenly been given all the credit for naturally occurring declines in killer
diseases such as smallpox, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, dysentery, etc.,
whereas most or all the credit belongs to better hygiene, sanitation, housing,
and greater resistance to disease thanks to improved economic conditions,
better nutrition being particularly important in the case of tuberculosis.
typhoid epidemics were being halted by changes in the water supply before the
"bug" was discovered, let alone a vaccine was developed- according
to a 1923 report in the British Medical Journal. But tendentious legend
has it that the vaccine saved the lives of thousands of troops in the Boer War
and the 1914-1918 war. The documented truth is that typhus hit vaccinated soldiers
and citizens with about the same frequency as unvaccinated ones, with the only
difference that an unspecified number of vaccinated people developed the
well-known post-vaccinal effects - immediate insurgence of the disease against
which they had been vaccinated, meningitis, and death.
The issue
is also confused by health professionals' consistent inability or unwillingness
to identify vaccine-related deaths. A University of California study has shown
that at least 1,000 deaths a year, described as the mysterious SIDS (Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome), are in fact caused by vaccines.
Australia, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., and Dr. Glen Dettman, Ph.D.,
discovered that some 500 out of every 1,000 Aboriginal children were dying in
the Northern territories. The cause was a type of toxic shock reaction,
complicated by vitamin C deficiency, brought on by immunization. In a two year
period without vaccination and with improved nutrition not one child died.
Even the
Swiss researchers and the huge pharmaceutical industry, whose profits rest
squarely on the alibis of animal experiments, concede the unreliability of the
animal tests. To wit:
Hans Aebei,
a Ciba-Geigy employee, told the daily Basler Zeitung (April 12, 1986):
"That Tifanol causes cancer in laboratory animals doesn't mean that it
will cause cancer in human beings as well."
Roche-Magazine, the organ of Hoffmann-La Roche pharmaceutics,
always spends a considerable amount of its time invoking the unreliability of
animal tests to justify the damages its drugs keep causing. In that magazine's
May 27 1986 issue we read: "The fact that this preparation causes cancer
in animal experimentation does not necessarily mean that it will also cause
cancer in people."
In the
same issue: "Whether a new preparation will cause cancer in people or not
can never be predicted with certainty, in spite of all preliminary experiments
and tests."
Still in
the same issue: "Tests for carcinogenesis are no egg of Columbus, because
they are made on animals and not on people. A human being is neither a large
rat nor a large mouse, and can always react in a different way."
Once more,
in the same issue: "Why was it so difficult in the case of the Seveso
exposure to assay the risks to health? Because we had no parameters but animal
tests, and whether Dioxin would have the same effects on people could not be
read from the tests on animals. The findings on laboratory animals were
contradictory. Hamsters died from a ten-thousand higher dosage than did guinea-pigs."
Bruno Fedi, M.D., Director of the City Hospital of Terni, Italy, anatomist,
pathologist, specialist in urology, gynecology and cancerology:
our current knowledge of medicine and surgery derives from observations of man
following especially the anatomical-clinical method introduced by Virchow:
symptoms of the patient while alive and the alterations found in the dead body.
observations have led us to discover the connection between smoking and
cancer, between diet and arteriosclerosis, between alcohol and cirrhosis, and
so on.
“Even the
RH factor has not been discovered on the macacus rhesus. The observations of
Banting and Best on diabetes, attributed to experiments on dogs, were already
discovery derives from observations on humans, which are subsequently
duplicated in animals, and whenever the findings happen to concur, their
discovery is attributed to animal experimentation...
we know today in medicine derives from observations made on human beings. The
ancient Romans and Greeks gained most of their knowledge from epidemiological
studies of people. The same goes for surgery. Surgery can't be learned on
are anatomically completely different from man, their reactivity is completely
different, their structure and resistance are completely different. In fact,
exercises on animals are misleading. The surgeon who works a lot on animals
loses the sensibility necessary for operating on humans. " (Abstract from
various TV interviews and articles by Prof. Fedi in the course of 1986).
adverse reactions which occur in man cannot be demonstrated, anticipated or
avoided by the routine subacute and chronic toxicity experiment." (Prof.
G. Zbinden, Institute of Toxicology, Zurich, 1986)
From the
report of the CIOMS (Council for International Organizations of Medical
Sciences) established under the auspices of WHO and UNESCO, XVII Round Table
Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 8-9 December 1983, Session 11, about
"Understanding the Physiological Basis of Toxicological Phenomena",
by Professor M.H. Driggs:
experimental toxicity studies have been conducted on contraceptive estrogens,
alone or in combination with progestogens (Heywood and Wadsworth, 1981). At
multiples of the human dose, no adverse effect on blood clotting was found in
mice, rats, dogs, or non-human primates. Indeed, far from accelerating blood
coagulation, high doses of estrogens in rats and dogs prolonged clotting times.
There is therefore no appropriate animal model for the coagulation changes
occurring in women using oral contraceptives. Interestingly, deaths due to
intravascular coagulation were noted in dogs receiving high doses of a
long-acting depot progestogen (medroxyprogesterone acetate without estrogen),
but thrombosis is not thought to be a risk in women using this product."
(French Conseil des Organisations Internationales des Sciences Medicales, fonde
sous les auspices de l'OMS et de I'UNESCO)
Irwin D.
Bross, Ph.D., writes as a scientist with 30 years experience in public health;
Head of research design and analysis at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute
(1954), the most famous cancer research institute in the world; Then head of
department of biostatistics at Roswell Park Memorial Institute for Cancer
Research in Buffalo, New York; Then President of Biomedical Metatechnology;
Author or co-author of over 300 published articles and reports and 3 books:
the fact that the National Cancer Institute has spent billions of dollars on
animal experimentation. The myth that such research produced the main
chemotherapeutic drugs supports continuation of the funding. The medical
schools and research facilities of the biomedical establishment that share in
this bonanza are certainly not going to let mere facts interfere with this
lucrative business. So even though the historical facts here show that animal
experiments were worse than useless in selecting clinically effective cancer
chemotherapies - they were consistently misleading - the' consensus of
authorities' will continue to say just the opposite. They may claim to love the
truth, but when it is a matter of truth versus dollars, they love the dollars
the uselessness of animal model systems in cancer research can do more than
prevent the pointless suffering of laboratory animals. It can demonstrate why
the public cannot afford to put its trust in official science...The way to stop
useless and unnecessary animal experimentation is simply to make it
unprofitable. Eliminate the funding by the government agencies or eliminate the
agencies. Reasonable approaches will not work with official science. Guidelines
or legal limitations by government agencies are made to be evaded. It is
pointless to present factual evidence because it will only be ignored. Even for
official science, however, there is one persuasive voice: Money talks. If the
flow of taxpayer dollars that supports the foolish or cruel or dangerous
practices of official science is cut off, these practices will stop."
(From his Foreword to Brandon Reines' Cancer Research on Animals: Impact
and Alternatives, 1986)
From the
ATRA publication, Physicians Have the Word, ATRA, Camorino,
Switzerland, December 1986, Dr. med. Jurg Kym, General practitioner in Zurich:
"As a physician, I am definitely opposed to animal experiments. They are
totally useless, they don't contribute in any way to the progress of
medicine...Animal experiments are just business, and are usually associated
with animal torture. Because of animal experimentation, modern medicine moves
always farther away from humankind. This is obvious to every enlightened
Moskowitz, M.D. wrote to CIVIS on New Year's Eve, 1986: "My first
disillusionment with modern medicine came in the summer of my junior year at
Harvard while I was working at a large medical research laboratory...It turned
my stomach to think that the whole edifice of medical research rested upon a
calculated slaughter of this magnitude."
In the
March 1983 issue of the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy (76:7)
he wrote among other things: "The public is surely entitled to convincing
proof, beyond any reasonable doubt, that artificial immunization is in fact a
safe and effective procedure, in no way injurious to health, and that the
threat of the corresponding natural diseases remain sufficiently clear and
urgent to warrant mass inoculation of everyone, even against their will if
necessary. Unfortunately, such proof has never been given."
December 22, 1986, the Jerusalem Post published the following opinion
of well-known Israeli veterinarian Dr. Andre Menache of Givatayim:
“Sir, -
You often publish articles where animal experiments are credited for the latest
in (human) medical advances. As many research workers recognize (and now
increasingly the lay public as well), animal experiments can be used to
"prove" or "disprove" almost anything. Given the large variety
of laboratory animals available today, and the multiplicity of laboratory
conditions under which these experiments are carried out, it should not come as
a surprise.
experimentation continues to provide misleading and inconclusive results for
man, of which we are occasionally reminded by drug disasters. Put bluntly,
animal experimentation is not science: it has no place in the so-called
civilized and technologically advanced era of today.”
announcing a new weapon in cancer treatment - it combines natural
cancer-killing cells with two drugs - Dr. Steven A. Rosenberger of the National
Cancer Institute went out of his way to avoid raising any false hopes of a
quick cancer cure for humans. "This has all been done with mice. There are
things that work in mice that do not work in people." (The AV Magazine.
December 1986)
One of Britain's leading cancer research institutes, the
Marie Curie Foundation, announced at the end of 1986 that it would henceforth
renounce all animal experimentation. A spokesman for the foundation, which had
been active in cancer research for many years, explained the decision with the
realization that experiments on animals provide no meaningful results for human
"In my opinion there exists a
conspiracy of the medical-pharmaceutical interests on an international basis
to eradicate alternative health (not disease) care from the people of the world
with a total disregard for the health and life of the people. I feel that the
major motivation of this potentially destructive scheme is the desire to make
money and I call the condition of this utter sickness of man, "The Greed
Disease". Here in the United States I observe the conspiracy is interwoven
with the American Medical Association, the federal government, especially the
Federal Drug Administration, the federal Trade Commission, the Pharmaceutical
Advertising Council, and the entire media including television networks, radio
networks, newspapers, magazines and book publishers. The media domination
prevents the majority of people from being conscious of these negative forces
and focuses their minds on the propaganda that alternative health care is
"quackery". However, the Office of Technological Assessment reported
to the Congress in the late 1970's that only 10-20% of the methods utilized in
allopathic (official, orthodox) medicine are proven safe and efficacious. Quackery
is defined as using non-proven methods for a profit. So who are the real
quacks, anyway?
of the enlightenment of the extremely cruel vivisection portion of this cartel
is revealed in the writings of Hans Ruesch in both Slaughter of the Innocent
and Naked Empress, which have both suffered international suppression.
Vivisection is a paramount symptom of the "Greed Disease" and of the
inhumane, unscientific, ignorant individuals who perpetuate it throughout the
world. Animals are not human beings and do not react in a similar fashion to a
drug. What might be beneficial in an animal might be lethal to the human, and
conversely. Where is the logic to transfer information from animal experimentation
to human usage of toxic chemicals? It is in the pocketbooks of the members of
the conspiracy - the Greed Disease!" (Ray Kupsinel, M.D., medical magazine
editor in Oviedo. FL 32765, November 22, 1986)
from a lecture by Dr. Arie Brecher, M.D., to the Medical and Juridical Society
at the Hotel Dan-Panorama of Haifa in Israel on November 1, 1986:
genetic code is transmitted by the chromosomes. Each species has a certain
number of chromosomes, which characterizes that particular species... The genes
and the chromosomes are the basis from which all other differences derive: the
cythological, the historical, the biochemical, the physiological, the
immunological and the anatomical differences...Because of the differences in
the genetic code and the biological arrangements between one living being and
another, the reactions to drugs and other stimuli between one species and another
will also be different. So all this is not science, but a lottery.
well-being of man takes first place in the ladder of human values. Today, in
1986, after years of practice as a physician, I am convinced that any result I
might obtain from experimentations on a dog, a cat, or any other animal, will
be misleading, damaging and even disastrous for human beings. There is no
question of any advantage to be gained at all.
experiments confuse the issues and their results will never have scientific
precision. There is absolutely no connection between vivisection and human
health. The general belief in the value of animal experimentation is the result
of brainwashing that the public has been submitted to for a long time. Behind
it are the pharmaceutical industries, which spend fortunes on publicity and
finance the research institutes and the universities.
must be done? The laws must be changed and vivisection must be prohibited.
There are today 400 experimental methods that don't require the use of animals.
But even more important are prevention and the safeguard of human health.
Science doesn't need vivisection, but the law does. I call upon everybody to
sustain our movement bent on changing the law and bring about a total abolition
of vivisection, for a better medicine and a healthier humanity."
October-November 1986 issue of Outrage, the journal of Britain' s Animal
Aid Society, bore the following quotes:
A Few
Views On Cancer Research
in the scientific literature make it clear that as much as 75% to 85% of cancer
is preventable. Cancer is no longer simply a medical problem, it is a
social-economic problem, as many of the cancer-causing agents are a direct
result of our technological age. Cancer agents are in the food we eat, the
drugs we take, and the cigarettes we smoke. It is clear that the incidence of
cancer will never decline until we look at prevention rather than cure."
and politics simply intertwine in shaping conventional medicines approach to
cancer. Very simply put, treating disease is enormously profitable, preventing
disease is not." (The British Cancer Control Society)
should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major
cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who
support them." (Linus Pauling, PHD, two time Nobel Prize Winner)
scale nationwide advertising is bringing in the four main established cancer
charities in Britain something like 46 million a year. Together they hold
assets of more than 76 million, including widespread international investments
and buildings such as their various prestigious Central London
Headquarters." (Cancer Control Society)
could be argued that this (cancer research) is a field of research which has
consumed an enormous number of animals without any tangible result."
(Professor D.H. Smyth, Alternatives to Animal Experiments)
cancer research bodies cause pain and suffering to hundreds of thousands of
animals every year by inducing in the animals, by chemicals or irradiation,
large cancerous growths in their bodies and limbs...Giving cancer to laboratory
animals has not and will not help us to understand the disease or to treat
those persons suffering from it." (Dr. A. Sabin, developer of the polio
simple unadulterated truth is that they are neither winning the fight against
cancer nor are they about to find a cure. They have been claiming that a cure
is just around the corner for a good 50 years or more, but the sad fact remains
that in spite of the countless millions being collected, cancer in its most
serious forms - in the lung, breast and bowel - is no nearer to being beaten
today than it was at the turn of the century.
"Indeed, in some cases - breast
cancer for example - the exact opposite is true; the scientists are actually
losing the fight." (Cancer Control Society)
From an
article by WiIliam Campbell Douglass, M.D., in the Health Freedom News, the
journal of the National Health Federation, U.S.A., October 1986, p.31:
"Medical students are often used as experimental animals. They come cheap
because they need the money and they are a lot like humans. The results with
animals don’t correlate with humans physiologically or pharmacologically, and
besides, monkeys are expensive."
Robert S. Mendelsohn, M. D., in the film Hidden Crimes: "There has
never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a
controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were
candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50
alone, and measured the outcome. And since that has never been done, that means
that if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you
want to be accurate, you'll call the people who give vaccines quacks."
did many experiments on live animals during medical school", said Dr.
Abram Her, a Phoenix, AZ physician who formerly practiced anaesthesiology and
now has switched to holistic medicine. "I would say they had nothing to do
with what I later had to know about or do to humans."